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Everything posted by Lonster

  1. Had 4 pop into existence in aggro range. Tried to run but 3 more popped in the only direction that I could move. This was just off the coast of an island so they shouldn't have been there in the first place according to your patch notes. If I can see the trees on the island, I should be able to see a giant glowing death ship that's between me and those trees. They should not be lined up at the server boundary and should despawn if in that area even if chasing a boat. They should not be within max aggro range of each other. They should be patrolling on a predictable path, not doing erratic figure eights and glitching directions so you can't tell which way they're going. Please fix this. Now that the rafts get wrecked by these obviously bugged ships, we cannot sail in your sailing game. We can't get materials because you refuse to fix the spawns and bugged buoys; requiring travel to other islands. Someone there must have played this game. Stop making it worse.
  2. After going around all day on a raft because it was the only safe boat. Finally found some crystal and headed back home. I'm within sight of my island and a waterspout group spawns on me and 4 Ship of the Damned on top of them. Can't see anything and the SoD that were NOT within view pre-storm are now on top of me. Since you guys just made it so rafts get attacked again it's now sunk. How the hell do you not know how many of these things are spawning? Why the hell do they attack RAFTS? Please reassign whoever approved that change because they lack common sense. Also, your damn patch notes need more specific info besides pretty darn close because there's no way to know what that is until you're dead. REMOVE RAFT AGGRO. FFS what the hell are you thinking? InstaDeath ships spawning on every square mile of the goddamn map. Now with more raft aggro.
  3. That's provably wrong. There are companies that are taking over entire servers and now with the claim bug they're spamming even more to steal what they don't already have. These companies will never stop taking land just so they rule the island or server if the claims aren't limited. I'm sitting in my hut unable to explore or build because if I leave on my sloop, I get blocked by ghost ships while also having to port back to my claim to stop the next lemming trying to drop a flag on a claim I was just running around today. I don't care how big a company is, they don't get an entire server to themselves nor are they entitled to grief players that dare to find a spot before they did. These are people that can't hack actual PvP so they find ways to ruin the game for others rather than play PvE.
  4. Pretty much everything about the game is broken in a way to frustrate the players. Right now I've got a sliver of land on an island that stopped spawning resources and can't leave because the ghost ships and now a clan is trying to steal my claim even though I'm here. They've taken all land on the server and keep spamming claims now that the contesting is broken. They need to wipe the server, remove the ghost ships and limit claims to 1 per company.
  5. 2-3 I could deal with. I was surrounded for over an hour by at least a dozen. Didn't matter which way I sailed and the server wall is lined with them. I really don't know why they're even in the early game. Why have the first challenge you put in the water be a battleship that destroys everything in range with never misses a shot? Start with some merchants to attack if we want or a mermaid but no. Somebody said let's put the death ships in and see how much damage they can do. What I REALLY don't understand is the server admins looking at the number of ghost ships currently spawned and not doing anything about it. It doesn't matter if they reduce the aggro range if you can't get past them. They don't follow the rules of sailing so there's no way to tack around them circling in place like morons. It's a sailing game that forces you to explore while simultaneously blockading everyone on land. I want to see the person that set the spawn get in a sloop and sail around a server to count how many of these bastards they see and explain why that's fine.
  6. PvE is unplayable as it is. No one is going to wait around for 3 days on a raft for a chance that these land hoarders forgot to work their land so you can steal it. Contestable land doesn't show up on the map so it would take even more time to see if it can be taken. Every island is taken. Fix this today so we can progress past this shitty raft mechanic. Your servers may be able to handle 40k (at some point) but there will be nothing they can do but crawl around on the map looking for a place to progress. No building, no new companies, and a lot of screaming players that just spent 12 hours looking for a place to build the 2nd boat. There is no way to address this without removing the claims. The claim decay is PR for the thousands that are finally able to log in only to find that they can't play the game. A crew of 5 can easily control an entire island's claims. That means you are providing a server intended for hundreds being used by a handful of people.
  7. This is game breaking. All the land is claimed and the only way to stop people from taking up an entire island is to limit the claims available to the company. The 3 day timer will not clear out all the land that was taken and all they have to do is hop beds to keep it tied up indefinitely. Y'all spent Christmas working on the server issues which is appreciated but if this isn't addressed it would have been for nothing. You've just given a handful of players complete control of the playable area and the rest of us are wandering around on rafts being told to get lost every time we try to find a spot. I know there's a bunch of these threads but this needs to be addressed ASAP since you set the raft decay so low. We can't log out for more than a few hours without losing everything and we have to carry everything with us. I haven't bothered with the food mechanic and just die over and over. Why bother with it when I'm just floating in the ocean for hours on end?
  8. Yeah, this needs to be fixed. Wipe all claims and limit it. Having the entire map filled on day 3 is game breaking. Letting 5 companies control 100% of the playable land on a server is just dumb.
  9. I'm still looking for unclaimed land which is another problem but I just logged out for about 45 minutes and my raft took 1k of damage sitting 50' from shore. I get the mechanic but this is unsustainable. I'll lose all resources and have to start from scratch if I log out for a full day. And if the solution is a land claim and there's no land them everyone is stuck grouondhog daying building a raft and punching trees.
  10. My Raft lost 9k hp overnight. I was parked by the shore. Where can you park in the normal area that allows for more than 5 hours offline without losing all your stuff?
  11. How do you get sap to fish with? There's nothing in game. If you can make a fishing rod you should know how to get the sap.
  12. I was able to create a character on Hydra's Den last night before the shutdown to allow for 400+ to connect. Today, I can't rejoin that server. I can create a new char on another server but it dropped me into the water and rubberbanded me in place. Also, who designed the Freeport area? Why have a one way drop that you have to either swim around to the dock or climb a hill to get back on a road to get back into "town"? Out of all the issues, this design fail is the most infuriating. Put a damn ramp in or block the area off completely.
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