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Posts posted by Realist

  1. 6 minutes ago, Phantomtoes said:

    Hey everyone! I know you're all excited to play but come on now....whining, crying, complaining isn't going to change anything or make it go any faster.  Have some patience and let the people work and maybe commend them for working tirelessly to get it out today! 

    Nope, don’t need a newbie in here being captain save a hoe.



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    • Haha 6

  2. 7 minutes ago, Whitehawk said:

    This is nearly as bad as waiting in the dentists damnit


    Except the dentist isn’t going to give you pleasure 😂

    edit: unless you have a tooth ache already lol

  3. 4 minutes ago, Cascco said:

    Dont do it man...game will crash several times they will appology for it and there will be post on twitter "we dont know when we will fix it"

    Yeah you are definitely right. I am already expecting it. Not sure why but being able to be present for the initial rush is intoxicating. It just lures you in.

    ill wait and see how things go tonight and then decide after lol

  4. 5 minutes ago, Whitehawk said:

    whenever it happens it's gonna be weird playing on a new map. i used to know most of the best starter zones.


    You didn’t play on the ptr with the new islands? I would have been all over that 💩.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Excelex said:

    If i knew the dang 12 digit code for this game we all could buy the game and auto download it.. It would be something like 9nhfvwx1v7qj

    Would be nice. But hey it’s “game preview” so we are screwed lol. Thinking of calling in sick tomorrow. Got plenty of hours to burn and I want to explore lol

  6. 10 minutes ago, Excelex said:

    i wrote an ahk script to auto press f5 lol

    Let me try to make you jealous, I am still at work so I am getting paid to wait for it to launch. Lol

    i also have my Xbox set to auto turn on and download while I am at work so it should be done by the time I get home.

    this only applies if the damn thing launches of course

    • Haha 1

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cascco said:

    I though you are playing on PC,  i remember your posts before xbox lunch

    Lol no. I have been here since day 1 but I am an Xbox player and don’t have the game yet.

    4 minutes ago, Excelex said:

    i wrote an ahk script to auto press f5 lol

    Nice. Kind of jealous. Screw it you take the notification job. I will go play a few rounds of clash royale 😂

  8. 2 minutes ago, Forb Hidden said:

    are there some updates on the other channels? like twitter, discord?

    Yeah. It is any minute now. It is already completely approved and is now in the hands of Microsoft to add it to the store. It usually takes a bit to do that but now just waiting on Microsoft. I am refreshing the store every couple of minutes lol

  9. 1 minute ago, Excelex said:

    This is starting to get ridiculous. it has been over 85 minutes. TELL US THE TRUTH, stop bullshitting. 

    This time and for this part it is actually in the hands of Microsoft. Before it wasn’t but now they are in control.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Sulfurblade said:

    How couldn't it have been on time?!?  Seriously they have been looking forward to sucking the wallets of console players for the last year and even with no one wanting to play nobody spamming the login server they can't even manage to suck up the money from the few misguided console players correctly?!?  So maybe its not a cash grab maybe its always been PURE incompetence!

    The answer to the first question is they are never on time. They might have been with you guys but with Xbox they have never met a date. I mean never thought the years of ark

    • Like 1

  11. 40 minutes ago, Cascco said:

    I totally took 1 day off from work just to play ATLAS today, imagine how pissed i am now. Im gooing to work tommorow and lunch will be at my time work, and yes i also have my own island which i want to take. "There is plenty more" sc...w you....

    Yeah. Even the devs have said not to do that because even they know there will always be a delay. Definitely never do that.

    • Haha 1

  12. 5 minutes ago, Excelex said:

    It just blows my fucking mind. How can you say we are releasing a game at 12 pm, turn into well after a series of problems we will be releasing at 4 pm. What is next as soon as the players get into the clusters, they start failing? What kind of company is this? I guess everything I read in this forum is true about grapeshot. 

    Well technically it’s wildcard but yeah. I am guessing you weren’t an ark player? Ark veterans have come to know about the delay train and just expect it by now. It takes awhile to get used to but you should just start expecting delays on updates as well.

    the main reason for this is because now every update will have to go through Microsoft QA and what we have learned from ark MS QA always finds something wrong with the update and it is delayed by like a week or a few days.

    steam has always let them just update freely. Microsoft will not be letting them do that, so I can all but guarantee there will always be a delay.

    so if you haven’t played ark, hopefully you found this information helpful

  13. 7 minutes ago, lordkhan4444 said:

    alright realist you have waited 10 months now its 4 hours away are you pumped?! now go join your PVE with the other carebears and leave the PVP to the real men hahahahah

    I have never associated playing games with being a real man 😂

    anyways, yeah I am pretty pumped. Got some exploring to do. I want to see all of the islands, not just rush to one and build a base

    9 minutes ago, Excelex said:

    LOL you are the funniest guy in this forum arnt you? I bet you spend your life on this game because you can not make any friends in real life because your personality sucks. Let that sink in, you 30-year man living in your parent's basement.

    I have Xbox so I haven’t spent any time in the game, well yet anyways. 

    Unfortunately my parents died awhile back. I am in my 30’s however so you did get that right at least. I wish I had no life because then I would be able to play my games more often. Kind of pisses me off how busy I always am when all I want to do is kick back and game.

  14. 2 hours ago, Excelex said:

    Oh, I have a terabit connection. I will be playing the game after 20 minutes once I am able to purchase it. The game drops at 12PM and you will not be able to access the servers till 4PM but you can play single player and private servers til then. 

    Yeah your New Zealand timezone plan didn’t go well and now your downloading before that delay didn’t go well either. Pc guys get the head start since they already downloaded it lol

    • Haha 1

  15. 5 hours ago, Jack Shandy said:

    Gives us PC players a short window of time to get the hell out of the freeports, don't want to be part of that lag fest again.

    Yeah and unfortunately I work today so I will not be able to be in the lagfest either. I know it sounds weird but I was partially looking forward to it lol. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Percieval said:

    Ye we have flying ships, some fire breathing flying thing, some dudes with 1 eye, a dragon with 3 heads but grappling hooks your own ship are too much. Hahah.

    Same goes for me. Remember AC Unity? The bugfest of the era? I didn’t have ANY. I’m not even joking, some people are just lucky. 

    Well the difference is that all of the other things you mentioned are intended content and the last one is a work around to broken content 

    but yeah, luck definitely plays a part while playing a game. I knew one guy that played ark and got kicked every 30 minutes. I felt bad because I only got kicked once or twice a day lol

  17. 7 hours ago, zottel said:

    We Are Pirates, half true is true enough for us 😄 am really curious how far the expectations differs from the stuff you Expierience ingame.i mean you read the Forums for about 10 month now but never played yet,Which will make a comparison between Forum And the Real Game kinda interesting. 

    Yeah that is why I did it. My expectations will be different from my buddies and othe console players. I now know a lot of the things that are wrong so I will less likely get frustrated compared to others that don’t know it’s coming lol

    i was always a PvP guy but from being on the forums I figured out I will enjoy the game more with pve this go around.

    i am actually going into the game very positive and I am sure I will have a lot of fun now. There will be a lot of people that don’t know what to expect and they will probably get frustrated and leave.

    there is a reason I have been here and have my opinions. I am now ready for atlas 👍

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