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Everything posted by Pepega

  1. Now, not trying to excuse the game optimization, but in this game you're CPU limited. This will mean that you'll get roughly the same framerate on low as on the highest graphical settings your graphics card can handle, because the bottleneck is the CPU not your graphics card. People with multi-threaded CPUs seem to run the game better than let's say intel i5's.
  2. I get it's good banter and all, but looking at shroud's stream and some other people who somehow can play the game just fine it's quite the achievement considering the size of the team and the amount of people trying to play.
  3. Yes, exactly, something along those lines. That would bring some spice to the gameplay rather than to have these many small islands. Sailing should be a big part of a pirate game but they should at least give some incentives to stay on an island for a long period of time except for claiming/base purposes. From the streams I saw today it felt like people rushed off of an island as soon as they found a treasure map only to find that said treasure somewhere else. Feels a bit odd in my opinion!
  4. +1 on this. At least one main continent without claiming that's high risk high reward to explore would be very cool imo.
  5. Yes, it does feel kinda rushed. Couldn't they have at least changed the islands somehow to make them unique? Probably will not notice it but still a bit sad.
  6. I hope that politics and economy will be flourishing in the game. Otherwise we'll be left with a spammy PvP shit show rust like experience...
  7. Pepega

    32 GB!!

    However the compression is quite good. 32GB could've easily been more, considering the game is 100gb+ uncompressed.
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