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Everything posted by Piratess

  1. My Schooner called the Fishy Stick.
  2. I wasn't paying attention to other posts for that exact reason. Just making my stance clear that I was not about to be pushed out for having a difference of opinion. I watch animae! No laugh here. Husband and I just got done watching the Dragon Prince on Netflix and were actually pleasantly surprised.
  3. So being an "older woman" gives you permission to put peoples opinion down. Good to know. I'll remember to do that when I reach my older years. I gave MY opinion. Good thing its my own, and I am sharing it. If you don't like it, that is fine. But it won't sway what I have to say because in the grand scheme of my experiences, which in my OLDER years I have a lot of, you don't matter. If you don't think gaming is a business you are a fool. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/18/video-game-industry-is-booming-with-continued-revenue.html 138 Billion Dollars is expected to be spent on games according to that article in 2018. Based off that, a company is going to do the best it can to fulfill its financial goal as well as maintain it. That is a FACT. Where you have communities of people, there are trolls - and If you are as old and wise as you try to come off, you would know that. The gaming community has always had a level of toxicity that can not be avoided, especially when you have people come in an attempt to control the conversation. Don't like a game or it's direction - leave? State what your think the changes you feel you want to see - provide a solution - if it doesn't work out, pull up your big girly panties and find something else to do, other than spam a forum full of useless chatter that helps nothing. Sitting there crying and trying guilt a company with "I am leaving, taking my ball and going home" threads is unhelpful. If that isn't whining, then you have never had kids In the mean time, Grandma, you are simply patronizing the community by your attempt at putting my opinion down. Pretending like those things I said are not true and coming in to the rescue. Please stop the Queen Bee act is sickeningly boring.
  4. Well you are entitled ( no pun intended ) to your opinion. It is interesting how you perceive me being condescending, yet your post is based purely off assumption and is nothing but condescending. I suggest you re read my post - and try to smile while doing so. It might make for a better day for you.
  5. I think there is a lot of entitlement going on - the idea that people pay, automatically means they get what they want. As long as MMO's have been around- I alph'ed UO btw and played games before that even - there has always been a difference of opinion on what should be expected, what needs to be done and what works best and that is on both sides of the table - Devs and Player. Part of the problem is we can not all agree. So the Dev's have to make a decision based on what is good for the game as well as what is profitable for their title. EA games are a way to discover that route, as well as gain some funding for continued development. I think as long as people remember that this is also a business and we - the players - have no idea what they have in mind for the future nor the costs associated with achieving that goal - we can learn to accept their decisions a little easier. Go with the flow. Will Dev's always do what is right? NOPE! We have seen mistakes in the past that have cost them their titles. But as long as we all give positive, constructive feedback - and weed out the useless trolling, whining and crying - we can hope they listen.
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