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Everything posted by artaherduron

  1. That's not true at all m8 - I've been sailing around had a raft level 14 lmao. There's land available you just have to sail to find it.
  2. Naw I'm against this my dude. If you can't find land to claim then sail from the island...
  3. Yeah that was at our dock - just sitting there - doing nothing lmao not attacking us.
  4. When you look at the animal you want to breed - On it's main box menu it will say enable wander to breed. If it doesn't state this, then you're unable to breed the animal in question.
  5. At the moment on the PVE NA servers. We're having the same problem - it seems like the old flags are under the old rules system and we're currently losing land. If the owner who planted the flag doesn't walk on the claimed land it can be taken. Not the COMPANY MEMBERS but the person who planted the flag? WTH kind of logic is that if you leave a company all items you own stay with the company why in all things holy would that mean flags should work differently?
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