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Posts posted by Cpt.Yarrr

  1. 1 hour ago, Willard said:

    Thats the thing they could not repair for 4 years of ARK. Dont expect this to be resolved, ever. Its annoying, nothing more. Definitely not smt which should prevent you from releasing EA 😉 

    Well, you did ask me to tell you one thing. And thats one VERY annoying bug wich is not even far from fixed in ATLAS, so yes, in my opinion after 4K hours of ARK and 700 hours of ATLAS; it should've been fixed.

  2. 2 hours ago, Willard said:

    You assumed in your post that Atlas devs didn't test their game before EA release. Which is just utter bullshit, sorry. They may test if code works, if mechanics work, but for christ sake they won't test if there are some bugs even before EA release. Tell me 1 broken thing which according to you should have been tested before EA phase.

    Falling from tames thru floors/ceilings.


    Anymore requests?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Tested before Early access ... its one of the most stupid comments I've read here.

    Well, thanks for sharing your thoughts. 

    I didn't know games shouldn't be tested before going into EA. My bad, oh wise master, I'm so sorry for my ignorance.


    Any wise comments on the subject "releasedates"? Since you're the smartest one here, I can't wait for your humble opinion.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  4. 5 hours ago, Captain Yellow Beard said:

    IT is and has been EARLY access. and we all knew that going into it. so EXPECT wipes, bugs, etc. thats what u get with EA games so submit bug reports etc. and make it a better game.

    The game should have been tested before it went into EA. I dont give a crap for wipes, I know its EA, I even encourage them if it is for the better.  

  5. 11 minutes ago, Sneakydude said:

    Not really much there either, might be tomorrow now if not late tonight. Or on monday.

    I'd say release it before the weekend so it's been tested real good.

    But hey, I'm just a dumb business owner with just 24 employees and a couple of cateringcompanies without any knowledge of timemanagement.

    • Like 2

  6. 1 hour ago, Oxize said:

    Mistakes..... ye a few can happen. From the start they had delays not once, two, three times, but like 15 times now.

    It isnt hard to make a proper Roadmap and inform your playerbase on time if something is changed. Guess your to new to this.


     - (Transparent) Communication is a key to success... - 

    This game shouldve been in PTR from the start, with way less promisses. I really thought I bought a pirategame. 

    Now all I see are messages with dates/new dates/uncertain new dates/delays with new content/animals/basebuilding/updated skins. I don't see anything regarding piracy. Non whatsoever. 

    Correct the above, this game should NEVER been made public like this. It's ARK allover, from the beginning at the devs sthraight thru the delays/non tested content. So many people feel like they're being screwed over, sadly again by the same team.

    I sat waiting for a few days for the PTR to be involved and try some of the new mechanics and give actual feedback. Now I'm more like sitting and thinking I'm that stupid. Again.

    PTR is delayed, so will be the new mechanics. This will not be playable, more wipes to come for sure, more angry players, way less activity. Such a waste of all these words and promisses. 

    Really sad.

    • Thanks 1

  7. On 3/30/2019 at 1:32 PM, boomervoncannon said:

    "can you guess what abilities they’ll have?"

    Not sure what abilities they will have, but guessing one of the abilities they won't have is right click to make announced content release on announced release dates. Personally I'm hoping one of the creatures will have a special ability that will allow me to target the devs and prevent them from announcing dates for content release, since those dates are never met and the development team just continues to shoot themselves in the foot by even giving dates, perpetuating their own self inflicted negative reputation in this regard.


    When did you lost  faith mate? I'm not used you losing patience in an EA game. Even getting multiple flashbacks right now. 

    I love the idea of a  Wild Grapesucker or ShotCardDevourer. These are brutal and sneaky ones. The first one drains all live and brains out of you,  uses 22 tentacles wich are telepathicly linked with the victim. Highly active when target is having fun.

    The second one just knocks the victim out cold with only 1 really, REALLY, bad breath. After that it opens a kinda snake munch hole filled with little parasites to eat it in 1 or 2 ferm bites.

    They both have 1 thing in common tho; when you feed them Bull Poo, they can be tamed. After taming, the Bull Poo works as a sticky bomb on targets. Depending on the quality Poo you use,  you can even "hypnotize" and stun nearby other targets. 


  8. 15 hours ago, Dollie said:

    @Ixel The grid editor should be available when the PTR goes up on the 3rd. 

    @photek ah I can see how it might be interpreted that way. No, the new claiming system will definitely be on the PTR!

    @Raysix Thank you. We're excited to get it out too! The new Eastern Tundra biome and the underwater trench look amazing and I'm very interested to see how players interact with the new claiming system.

    @Korak91 I understand. We're planning a breeding/creature pass after the megapatch. v18.9 fixed an issue with babies not eating from inventory/troughs when in stasis. That said, breeding temperature requirements may remain; we don't intend for breeding and creatures to be the pinnacle of the meta.



    Hello Dollie,


    I don't see any mentions in your or Jats posts about new piratemechanics. Does that mean there will be none other then only "just" landscape/animals/underwaterworld?

    Don't get me wrong, but I'm more like a pirate then a zookeeper. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Draalei said:

    That was the point.  They should implement the same thing for PvE.  That is why the solution is easy to implement.  They don't have to do any additional work.


    1 minute ago, UDO said:

    i cannot for the life of me understand why this isnt part of pve as well , 

    Ye, was just typing the same. I actually quoted due to the obvious, I don't get it either. 

    More like PvE is OR being tested OR being left in the dark.

  10. 1 hour ago, Draalei said:

    There is already an easy to implement solution to the PvE claim flag problem:

    General Rules

    • Players can now build anywhere, without owning a Settlement (an island which has been claimed).
    • An island which has been claimed is now known as a Settlement.
    • Only one claim flag can be placed per island, and the owner (player/company) is the owner of that Settlement.
    • There will be a hard limit on the total number of claim flags.
    • Islands are given a rank based on their location, size and how valuable they are. These rankings will be used to determine upkeep, as well as identify the Top 10 Companies which will be a sum of all the islands that Company has claimed.
    • Structures that are built on islands that are not Settlements can be raided at any moment. 
    • Fog of War and Shroud of War have been eliminated, so the entire ATLAS will be shown to everyone.
    • World Map will now show the name of an Island (which can be changed by Settlement owners), who a Settlement is owned by, the current tax rate, and the current war status of the island.
    • Islands will have colored overlay for ownership (Owned by you, an ally, or non-ally).

    Company Updates

    • NPC crew on offensive/defensive seated structures will no longer count towards the tame limit whilst seated.
    • Company limit has been reduced to 250 members
    • Group ranks have now been increased to 10
    • Alliance changes will now be logged in the Company Log
    • You can now sort the Company log to display entries from top to bottom
    • A new group setting which can grant ‘owner’ permission for company members, which can only be set by the owner and unset by the owner. Members with the ‘owner’ permission will not be able to remove the actual Company Owner from the company.
    • An alliance now only contains a maximum of 4 companies
    • A company can only be in 2 different alliances at a time.

    Claim Flags

    • Sea Claim Flags have been eliminated
    • Claim flags can no longer be used to steal structure ownership on land
    • Claim flags can no longer be merged into other companies
    • There will be a hard limit on the total number of claim flags per company. For example, 20. Numbers can be adjusted.
    • A claim flag cannot be placed without a tax bank.
    • Claiming an island will take a fixed amount of time plus an additional amount per claim flag owned. For example, 1 hour to claim and +1 hour per owned claim flag. Numbers can be adjusted.
    • Declaiming will always take a fixed amount of time. For example, 2 hours. Numbers can be adjusted.

    Claim Flag Upkeep

    • Claim Flags now have an upkeep cost which is paid from the tax bank
    • The upkeep cost will be an assortment of resources.
    • The upkeep cost will scale on the size of the island, the total number of claim flags a company has, and how many different companies/players are building on the island.
    • Players can only place items into a tax bank that go towards upkeep
    • Claim Flag will have a grace period after successful claim to allow resources to gather in a tax bank before upkeep is charged
    • The claim flag will visualize if the upkeep will not be met, so players are able to contribute directly to the Tax Bank. The Tax Bank will now stack resources like a ship resource box.


    • Settlement owners can freely damage other characters and structures on their island. 
    • Settlement owners can set taxes on their island which will automatically be deposited into the Tax Bank
    • Structures that are built on a Settlement which do not belong to the Settlement Owner will have a decay timer.
    • Player Run shops which are placed on islands can also be taxed by Settlement owners

    Wich will be on PvP only.

    Hence this thread.

  11. 2 hours ago, UDO said:

    the more players that post threads and reply to them about the removal of flag claims instead of just limiting them the more chance the devs may listen ..

    pillar spam here we come , the race to lvl up fast enough to build enough pillars to get ourselves and area / hopefully being able to protect resources in that as well

    , is the new eautorepair structures a lvl 1 building ? is it 1 per company ? does it have a no build radius like the flags did ? we need a lot more information about it , then maybe we wouldntll be pissed about the changes if we had a lot more about the system they are planning for pve ?



    you raised another point here too. The PvE part of the game (and changes) could be way more adressed then allready is. 

    Alot of us players know this game has alot of potential for playing PvP. That's obvious.

    But do not scrub out the PvE community yet devs, we got literaly tens of thousands hours of playing experience. Sometimes it feels like this massive wall we're trying to break thru and it just keeps "auto-repairing" faster then it decays. No pun.

    And another great thing, we actually paid for the game AND we try to give you a helping hand. For free. What is wrong with this world huh?

  12. 6 hours ago, TheSeer said:

    I agree with what others have been saying. The claim system is a great idea and something I like, it just was poorly implemented.  Please just limit the number of claim flags per person and don't allow ocean claims. There is no way you are going to be able to use upkeep to prevent spamming unless you make it so high that it cripples smaller groups from building. 

    I'm convinced it will be the deathblow for all PvE players who wanted to get away from ARK and where hoping for the answer;

    Territorial claiming.

    I've spoken to loads of players in the last 24 hours, majority will be gone if this plan is going to be implemented. And alot of them feel they're being left in the dark while Grapeshot said they'd listen to the feedback. I don't think they ever buy a game again from the companies, they might even go for a refund due to the changing of the base-game-mechanics. Because it will be an entire new game with no claimflags.

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