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About 3ehzaad

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  1. 3ehzaad

    Patch 560.3

    This patch note is what all previous patch notes should have looked liked, fixing broken stuff and not adding new problems!
  2. So since the beginning of the new season I have problem loading map in the game and connection to in-game voice channels, i investigate a bit with few friends with same problem and we found out a work-around is to just refresh the steam server library every time we have the issue ... but that only works if you can see Atlas servers in the library and that is not the case for me ... anyone know how to fix this or even better the initial issue with the map not loading and voice deactivated ?! https://freeimage.host/i/eTwLXV
  3. Removed Manned Puckles (the other manned structures remain) :))))) now you will see one unmanned cannon beside each manned puckle, good job! BTW fix the BP drops! P.n: you made me to make an account on this site after 2 and half year just because I couldn't hold myself to share the laughter, well done!
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