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Everything posted by geckofrog

  1. I am making this its own thread for I feel the getting hungry system is annoying. We should get hungry during the Sunrise at Noon & at Sun down , not constantly having needing to eat berries cook meat and drink water .When Sailing I want to be able to sail for hour's concentrating on the ocean looking for plunder and avoiding hazards ,not worrying weather I am thirsty or hungry. Overheating is annoying also , out on the ocean air over the sea cooler than air on land .
  2. This would definitely improve the game a lot, especially market places that offer trading missions with prices of the goods changing depending which items are common or rare in that part of the map .
  3. I agree basically the foundation of this Sailing Adventure game should be of a single player , with focus on what can we do as a single player , Trading with NPC's , Escorting Fleets of NPC's , Bounty hunting NPC's , the usual wicked stuff that happens that cause's incentive to sail the oceans . Get hungry Morning Noon and Night .
  4. When in 1st person view when at the helm of you're ship you are limited to look left and right 60 degrees , should be able to look behind when at the helm at least 150 degrees , and please add an option when in 1st person view on you're ship so the camera view moves with the ship pitch and roll as if it is attached to the ship.
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