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Everything posted by Magicblue

  1. Why do you need to be on every thread just to be contradictory.
  2. Heres a few crazy ideas, first of all i said "players" not specifying console or pc. Second why in gods name are pc atlas players so f***king toxic. These tryhards need to go back to ark plz and ty. And third i update the wiki when i can. not all atlas players have the same amount of no life that pc players have so finding stuff for ourselves takes a lot of time on top of Xbox players having to recover from wipes on almost a daily basis. I dont understand why pc players actively hunt Xbox players.
  3. Can people please start updating the wiki? It should be the one stop shop for new players or people going solo to find info on all the little details on this game.
  4. How i see it man is that ATLAS is a game where the devs put so much work into making you feel like an actual pirate. So in those terms my tribe is never scared to use them.
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