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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Posts posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. 44 minutes ago, Ivah BlackWater said:

    I think if you are having issues keeping track of your crew and tames, then you have to many. Maybe down size, specially for PvE. There is no need for huge fleets in our companies. I keep seeing excuses for losing things ( boats, crew and tames) it only takes a few minutes every other day to go to said boat and reset everything. If that is to much then I think you need to re-think how your company is working.

    The issue is there is lack of knowledge (as it is not actually intended I don't believe) that you have to interact with tames not just render them in.

    I've had one monkey and one rabbit inside my base for for the past couple of months and i've not picked them up once. I can guarantee you that they are claimable because I haven't touched them. I shouldn't have to go round picking animals up to toss them on ground every week.

    Also with ships, there's no public knowledge that they needed to be boarded every 3 weeks, it was assumed, just like structures, that they need to be rendered, as was the assumption with tames.

    So no, they are not excuses.

  2. 7 hours ago, The D Legacy said:

    Getting rid of decay and demolish timers in PvE when? i will never even consider coming back until that BS is removed.

    You want decay/demolish timers to be removed? How would you see the removal of abandoned structures in that case? I'm not saying the 10 day structure timer is fine currently, i'd prefer it to be 2 weeks minimum, but we still need to be able to remove abandoned stuff.

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, Pallist said:

    Is this post a complaint about boats that don't get used in about 10 days disappearing??

    I wish this would happen in our harbor...

    You must have not visited that island for 10 days or something.


    If that's so, then you don't need it. Deal with the game mechanics to make the game playable. It's not a reality simulator. The game has limitations.

    Maybe you should pay attention to the topic. It's nothing to do with visiting islands as it is nothing to do with rendering in ships.

  4. 5 minutes ago, vaylain said:

    Not a problem at all. I am fine playing. I wanted to know exactly what it is that you are "appreciating", as you were not very descriptive and I was curious? Also, since you were so vague, it read more like you were just kissing their arse. So, what exactly are you so appreciative of?

    If you were honestly interested you wouldn't have edited your post to throw in the insult.

    The dude has no reason to provide you an answer after such an insult.

    • Like 1

  5. So now that you can board ships in PvE, there's a galleon outside my base that was parked there about 2 or 3 days ago and i've seen no activity from it since.

    I decided to board it and have a snoop around. So I found there were quite a few animals on there and instead of all having the same claim timer, they varied like this:

    Bear - 03:03:06:08

    Cow - claimable

    Elephant - 01:21:49:09

    Bear - claimable

    Bear - claimable

    Giraffe - 04:23:28:58

    NPC - 06:23:45:10


    So this is evident that animals whether on ships or land need to be interacted with rather than just rendered. Otherwise they'd all have the same claim timer.

    • Like 1

  6. 2 hours ago, user1 said:

    But most importantly: If you can't manage to visit a ship before it despawns, you almost certainly didn't really need the ship at all in the first place.

    I'm only responding to your last point because you failed to understand the issue here.

    For example you go on about having an incentive for players to not build more ships than necessary, now I had 2 ships, yes just 2. I had a sloop, and a schooner. I stopped using the sloop when I built the schooner. I left the sloop outside my base as a back-up in case I ever lost my schooner at sea.

    I had no reason to step foot on my sloop.

    I had no indication that ships required boarding to refresh timers.

    I lost my back-up sloop.

    The issue here is not the need to step foot on ships before they despawn, the issue here is the lack of knowledge provided from the devs as to the mechanic for ships despawning.

  7. 4 hours ago, Ivah BlackWater said:

    How hard it is to visit all your boats every couple days, raise and lower the anchor? It couldn't take more than 5 minutes at most.

    It's the fact that it was not (from what I can tell) public knowledge that you had to physically step on a ship to reset timers. Unless I missed somewhere that clearly states that, then it was assumed that render was the reset of timers just like building structures.

    Did you know that your tames claim timer expires even if you are online standing next to it if you haven't interacted with it for 2 weeks? They aren't based on render either, but that is not stated anywhere.

    So it's not about whether it is hard to do or not, it is about GS making these mechanics clear from the start.

    • Like 2

  8. 2 hours ago, Kummba said:

    OK, on ships, claime timers are not resetted by:

    - redner

    - letting then follow

    - feeding

    - miking

    Dont store tames on ships!


    EDIT: I storred my tames on shipish sturctures. I build a Shipyard, put down a Schooner, then place topdeck and fill the gaps with ceilings. This were my prefered barns for outposts. IT is cheap to build and very save, bc enemies float on ships.

    BUT, Tames need to leave this kind of barn every 8 days it seems, when not on ships, the timer should reset properly.

    @[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

    I wasn't speaking about tames on ships.

  9. 3 minutes ago, =MGC=Ranger said:

    because I have an outpost where I have several bears, a couple cows,  and a bull but havent had time to really work the area, so I am not mounting any of them (infact they dont even have saddles). They have been there for well, well over 3 weeks (a SOTD glitch wiped out one of my boats and the other got taken by a whale so I have been busy rebuilding). My teammate has been gone for a month on business and all I have been doing is fast traveling to his base and then back. All is still there. As far as ships, I have a armored schooner we use to attack SOTD that I havent boarded since mid april, yet its still in my harbor. Dunno, I dont touch every animal or sail every boat and never lost anything. I may be wrong, but for me, I have not run into that at all.

    The fact that the animals are still there doesn't mean anything, i'm not talking about them disappearing like ships, i'm talking about them being claimable.

    How would you explain @Kummba being online and having rendered in his animals only for them to be claimed whilst he was online.

    As for ships, my sloop was left unattended outside my base for 3 weeks as I started using a schooner. I never touched the sloop and after 3 weeks it vanished.

    So yeah your animals may be safe after weeks of not doing anything with them but that's likely because no-one has come along and seen they are claimable. Would be interesting if you had someone outside of the company visit and have a look to see if they can claim anything whilst you are online though.

  10. 9 minutes ago, =MGC=Ranger said:

    Yeah I dont think you have to interact with em. I have bears, ele's and giraffes that I dont even touch. As soon as I get within distance its all good. 

    How do you know "it's all good" when you get in render distance? Animals don't display decay timers like structures do. So how do you know it's not claimable?

    Have a read again of what @Kummba said in their last sentence.

    It's similar to ships. If you only render ships in but don't physically board them they will disappear in 3 weeks. That is the same mechanic as we are talking about regarding the animals.

  11. Yeah you'll just have to wait 3 weeks for them to disappear. Depending on how long ago the owners abandoned it you probably don't have to wait 3 more weeks, but that would be max. They'll go soon enough as long as they don't board them as Kidori stated.

    • Like 1

  12. @Jatheish @Dollie This sort of thing needs to be confirmed and made clear, just like the fact ships need to be boarded every 3 weeks rather than just rendered. I had no idea animals need to be interacted with I assumed it was the same as ARK, just render them in and the timer resets.

    If structures have decay timers visible to the owner then so should tames and ships. Otherwise people are going to continue to lose stuff because they were not made aware of how the mechanic works.

  13. I'd be happy with either of these suggestions.

    I only have a small base, but I don't bother with torches or lanterns because of the fact they will just burn away when i'm offline so end up refilling them so often. Having an NPC housekeeping would be good.

    The repairing structures would also be good, it's one reason why i'm upgrading everything from wood to stone because of the pesky Cobras damaging everything.

    • Like 1

  14. 1 hour ago, Belle said:

    I cant always go sailing or board a ship because I have a life, but I log in to feed animals and 4 ships gone.

    No-one is saying you have to go sailing so don't exaggerate this. If you have time to feed animals, how time consuming is it to jump on a ship, jump off, or even just use the bed system to fast travel to each bed.

    The problem here is not the fact you have to board the ship, it's the fact this was not made clear from the start.

  15. 1 hour ago, cfxyxx said:

    I think they do not need increase all SoD's spawns. only need increase spawn of red SoD and delete all low level SoDs in golden age ruin region. Or they can increase the reward for low level SoDs to encourage players hunt them.

    You missed my point. They recently reduced the spawn interval for SoD's in golden age ruins, which resulted in spawns increasing in all grids. So i'm saying they've done enough damage with that, so making further changes to spawns in golden age ruins would likely make things worse for all grids. When I say all grids I mean ALL grids, not just golden age ruins.

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