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Everything posted by 6Xero9

  1. 1) What? Did you forget what a Pirate was? 2) Again, drop the whole "Can't play something for X time without liking it" cause guess what, opinions can change, and it's not unheard of that additions like torpedoes and submarine turtles can really grind the gears of players that wanted the PIRATE THEMED GAME THAT WAS ADVERTISED. 3) Tell us your arbitrary number for hours to have been played for a review to be unquestioned. Cause I'm willing to bet you also say a review under Y hours shouldn't be allowed to exist.
  2. Except for the fact that there are people like that. Time does not equal having to like something. High expectations is going into the game wanting a pirate survival game and getting a game that has no pirating in it outside PvP? Like, here's the thing, even when Conan Exiles was EA, It had that Conan theme even in PvE servers. So yeah, people came in expecting to be able to experience the pirate theme regardless of what mode they wanted to play and well... You go and miss out on a decent bit of what the game offers by not going PvP, which isn't a good thing for a game.
  3. That's where you're wrong. I really wish this mentality would die out... "You've got X time! You can't dislike the game if you played it for so long!" That, and the Steam review system isn't a like/dislike system, it's literally "Would you tell other people this product is worth their time/money?"
  4. The ship you're referring to would most likely be a Frigate. Which is a ship class that had at lest 28 guns.
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