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PVE grief sinking solution.

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Putting this first as it may be a lot simpler.

Just had a new idea,


Simply make the ships unable to move instead of sink; then give us a command to remove any non company sleeping people from your ship. Not drag them as that could create griefing in and of itself, but just an E option to "remove from ship" that pretty much just dumps them overboard.




There are many solutions offered on the forums and while any of them are better then what currently exists, they all have flaws.


Best solution is to fix the weight glitch first.

1: At max weight you cannot climb, jump, grapple or glide.

2: If you carry more then double your weight capacity (or X amount over max weight) you die. When you die any weight over your max is dropped from your corpse.

3: When dragging a body you cannot climb, jump, glide or grapple without dropping the body.

4: Anyone not in your company does not count as crew.


This would stop overcrew sinking and overweight sinking while still retaining the ability to drag a body which has real in game uses.

It probably wouldn't be easy to program but it seems a comprehensive fix, if you see a loop hole please let me know.

Edited by RogueLdr

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The problem with 4 is that there are legitimate reasons to carry passengers and they should count as crew.

My solution for PvE is simpler. Ark already has "no strangers on my platform saddle" code. Simply add that to ships and have an option on the radial menu to Allow Passengers. If passengers are not allowed, they simply slide off into the water. If they are allowed, they can get on board and their weight counts.

For PvP it's a trickier situation since boarding at sea is a desired part of the game. On PvP I'd have the "no strangers" active for ships at anchor. That would go some way towards reducing cowardly offline raiding.

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