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The Claim System is fundamentally flawed.

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The current claim system in ATLAS is broken and detrimental to the overall game experience. It goes against everything the game wants to be and if not changed, will likely lead to a dwindling player base.


All you have to do is constantly run around an enemy island naked and press F1 to drop claim flags. As long as you have a bed stashed away somewhere on the island or on a ship nearby, you can do this indefinitely. Some claims will get contested, others won't, but you will be able to maintain constant harassment on them until the either log out and you take the claims in their off hours, or they will get burnt out chasing you around and just give up. You can't even see which of your claims are being contested, at the very least it should turn yellow on your map.  The bigger the zerg you have helps with this because you have the numbers to keep up the naked F1 claim spam attack. It's pointless to even engage in proper PvP as there is no current value to it. Just grab some friends, get a bed hidden and throw yourself at the enemy spamming F1 around until you eventually get a claim down.


There are some ways to solve this problem though, for example:

1) The flag could be changed from an ability to a physical object (Think tool cupboards from Rust). This way it's not possible to infinitely drop them on the enemy as you will have to craft them and keep them in supply. It could also weight a lot so as to discourage carrying multiple. This would also allow players to build around their claim flags and people would actually have to raid the base to take out the claim. This would be ideal.


2) To contest or take over another person's claim, you don't drop your own flag, you toggle on their flag and the capture/contest radius is a much smaller ring. This way it's much easier to see where the people are and PvP is almost guaranteed (No more naked hide and seek). This wouldn't be my preferred change but it would be a step in the right direction.


I am sure there are other ways to change the claim system for the better and I hope people will comment in this thread with their ideas. The current system just doesn't work, it creates a meta that goes against everything ATLAS wants to be. It encourages cowardice, toxic behavior, griefing, zerging and PvP avoidance


We plant claims to seize land. We attack claims to capture land. This is a hostile action. It's conflict. It's war. It's supposed to be anyway...

But why should I bother loading up Galleons when a few rafts and some naked friends are just as effective...



Edited by Bucky
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just speaking from a PvE point of view. I think for PvP the claim system is actually quite ok I think (never played pvp so don´t pin point me on that one ^^)

1) you can only set 1 claim flag at a time per person, not multiple which means harassment is mostly from a company with multiple people

2) if you start claiming stuff and leave your claim circle and someone else moves in you lose your flag 10 sec. later (at least pre patch 10.0, referring to flag spam etc.)

3) if you have a big claim where someone can actually claim further away you should have efforts defending it. if you can´t do it lose land and get smaller to the size where you can defend

4) if multiple people try to claim your land the bigger (and thus more powerful) group will win the land. you can defend as much as you are in a company and the same goes for taking. if you are only 1 person in your company you will have a hard time defending bigger claims

5) we naturally know after several defenses where our claims are based on the coords show. its just learning etc.

6) have a bed (pve) on certain key positions where claims cross each other so you can port around and potentially defend multiple claims at once (our main base has 1 cross point which covers 4-5 claims at once, we only build like this and had no issues defending until now with 3 people alone and even offline over night)

I personally only hate the system cause I can´t see the claim timer when something can be claimed and attacked. -.-



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My, lord this last patch made claiming land impossible. It now takes 5 hours to take a small plot of land from a company that has 100s of claims. It takes 19 hours to take land from someone that has very little land. That's ok, for someone that has a couple of claims, but these company's that have claims on two large islands should be a lot easier to contest.


 I guess it's a lawless island for life. GG

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