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About rayonvar

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  1. Venom and its value. Considering the upcoming update will be adding a venomous tame (the Seahorse) I would like to see the option to "milk" venomous creatures and possibly tame or extract venom glands from currently non-tameable venomous creatures (such as Cobras, rattlesnakes, and Spiders) which can in turn be used to create new venom infused ammunition or be used for a new weapons ammunition (a blow dart pipe firing venom coated ammo). This could be used to help incapacitate targets without bringing them so close to death for taming, it could also be used for less than lethal PvP encounters at a distance. Big problems, Bigger projectiles. Additionally I believe that having a form of Elephant gun could be beneficial to the game as well. Historically they originate from muzzle-loading smooth bore guns made for hunting birds (fowlers) that were adapted to fire larger projectiles (often solid cast conical bullets). These weapons were slow to load but extremely powerful and accurate, often requiring a person to act as a caddy for the intended operator, who would handle the loading and carrying of the main (as well as spare) weapon. The Blunderbuss which is currently in game can handle dangerous targets at point blank range often with a single shot, while the Carbine can do a good amount of damage at a distance. I believe that a larger more powerful (potentially double barreled) rifle would be a great addition especially if not only did it make use of alloys in the production/maintenance of the weapon but also in the production of its ammunition. Ideally having the weapon do the damage of a blunderbusses seven pellets in a single massive shot which rewards careful aim and can ignore some of the damage reduction of creatures, as the purpose of such firearms and their specialized ammunition was to penetrate thick hides and thicker skulls (such as the dreaded African Cape Buffalo). On a separate line of thought is the concept of a hand-mortar (flintlock grenade-launcher), a device which was designed and built with the idea of lobbing grenades farther and more accurately than a man could pitch them. Ideally this could be used as a PvP weapon in ship to ship combat or in siege situations when dealing with soft targets around corners and lobbing grenades over walls, it could also take a variety of utility ammunition such as: fragmentation explosives (anti-personnel), High Explosive charges (anti-building), fire bombs (anti-ship/personnel/wood/thatch), long duration flares (for lighting areas or signaling), firing a grappling hook (farther than can be thrown), and setting zipline anchors (potentially farther than a non-explosive propelled method). Weapon and Tool. A boarding axe traditionally fit multiple roles. As a tool it would be used for repairing ships as well as putting out fires and as a weapon it was formidable even against armor as opposite the axe blade was usually a pick. I'd like a boarding axe that is more capable of fighting creatures and fixing damage, given its sturdier construction and the need for players to keep a means of repair on hand at all time while ship-side it makes sense to have something that serves a dual function for fighting as well as repairs. Possibly also make it gather as either metal a hatchet or pick using the different combat functions ("R" key stance) but gather slightly less material than an metal equivalent of the same tier.
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