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Everything posted by Riaridus

  1. I would like the possibility of these topics covered please NPC changes- such as making them be able to do stuff like gather resources, sail their own ships without having to have a player aboard. New ship or ship changes- either a frigate to go in between the brig and galleon as the difference between the 2 is ungodly or rework the brig to make it a better in between for the schooner and galleon. Tarot tree- progress on it and possibly how it will work (partially to crush the rumors you'll be able to interbreed animals with it) Sail changes- how are you gonna fix speed sails as max velocity is disabled due to it's overpowered nature, and once you fix them can you make weight sails more viable like the blueprint ones. Basically I'm curious about the above subjects. Thank you for the hard work you all do trying to work with the community and make a good game.
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