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Everything posted by HavenDuuk

  1. I think you misunderstand. EA is different from larger companies (like Firaxis, Paradox, or Electronic Arts) releasing a game at full price at "retail" that is trash and then patching it after the fact. A game that is actually LISTED as "Early Access", ie: literally sold as "this is a Beta" isn't the same thing at all.
  2. How can it be "once again" bye bye? Did you not leave the first time you said "bye bye"? If not... are you really gonna leave this time? If so, can I have your stuff?
  3. Not to be mean, but, and this is coming from a long time Ark player (that is just now installing Atlas)... Atlas was a train wreck at launch, lots of huge issues, people complaining about ALL KINDS of serious game breaking problems, land claim issues, broken pvp, pve, tame, game balance, exploit, etc etc etc. I mean just atrocious "what the hell were they thinking?" level issues. I've been sitting back and waiting for the "1.FixItAll" patch since launch that wiped everything, reset the servers, updated to an entirely new set of game rules, and fixed everything. Ark did it twice if I remember correctly AND THEN STILL SHUT DOWN LEGACY SERVERS. So, um, those guys had literally THOUSANDS OF HOURS invested. To them, you're still a nubcakes. Welcome to Early Access. I'll see you after I get done with the tutorial. Can I upload my T-Rexes to this server?
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