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Everything posted by Aranol

  1. are you sure it was 'mineral oil' and not 'Shale oil' or 'crude oil' because i've check K3 and I didn't see any 'mineral oil' anywhere exept in the trench
  2. I think founding a place where to live is the goal of the game. instanced system come with a lot of possible exploit (how can you be attack, how player can attack your instanced island) ? for now, it quiet attractive for large compagnie to have smaller one under there protection. I think the good way is to (maybe) adjust the actual game parameter (taxe / settlements cost) for both larger tribe (who own the island), and smaller tribe (who live under there protection) have benefits of the presence of each other
  3. Sometime, (it seams to be link with a creature fight), the submarine is stuck you can turn, attack, shoot, but you can't move. you have the animation, but the submarine roll back to his stuck position less than 1 seconde later. advanced test show there is a synchonisation problem between client / and server - creature attacking a stuck submarine are hitting 10m away from where the submarine is displayed - you (sometime) don't have acces to stuck submarine menu. if you log off/on you get back acces to the submarine, and the submarine is now render on client side few meters away for now, never stuck a submarine with out a creature fight stuck 2 in diffrent fight in the Deep Ocean Trench
  4. you can snap infinite doors number on doorframe (at least on the stone doorframe)
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