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Posts posted by Whitehawk

  1. The vitamins bar gets silly at times in this game,I'm not needing to  eat through hunger but I have to eat for vits,then I get an overate penalty.When people literally find it easier to let their character die to replenish their vits bar rather than have to keep getting food ,then surely there is a problem with that aspect of the game.

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  2. Well if you are the type of person that jumps to defend the perpetrator and assumes i've been trolling then I'm so glad you're not a dev of this game,or hopefully not a high court judge in real life either  eh.btw I reported the group to the devs of the game and they are sorting it.

  3. I recently bought outlaws mmo and went on a PVE server,built a small shack to start with.New arrival runs up to me an called me a m###er f####r,nice intro,him and another guy then just kept trying to jump at me hit me etc.so i told them it was pve and to go away.as it turned out they were harassing me cos my shack was where they wanted to build,even though i got there first.next day they found an exploit and surrounded my shack with stuff so i couldnt get in or out,now you could say this is my fault and i provoked them by not knocking down my shack and moving when they threatened me to leave.Or you could realise that some pple just think the whole world belongs to them and don't care how they prove it.you do get unprovoked grief on all pve games,just because i'm not always the victim doesn't mean it doesn't happen to anybody.that opinion is sincerely narrow minded.

  4. thats not true about no one bothers you in pve unless you upset them,not true at all,if you don't believe me look through the forums more.Also I don't think PVP should be an excuse for abuse either,when you see chess championships and olympic game sports etc,its not the norm to hear them slandering each others mothers is it?I'm not bothered by trash talk but some players are and whatever excuse they use it doesn't make it right.some of the things i've heard on mmos if they were said in real life would end up in blood spilling.Baiting your opponent is one thing,but submitting them to a tirade of abuse  is just wrong. 

  5. Actually the worst griefing I've personally had has been on PVE,cos what can you do if you're not the type to grief back.At least on PVP you can cheerfully wait till they r offline and quite happily blast their base to bits,all game legally too.

  6. tbh I play quite a few mmos at the moment and its rare to find a wholly decent community on any of them,and I agree its mainly cos they can get away with it.Human nature at its best eh,but you should persevere,i play outlaws too and i got griefed so bad cos i wouldnt move my shack for another gang,devs have done -zero,but I have found a really good server,not friendly really but not abusive either.just stick to your guns and keep trying.

  7. I get a massive ping spike whenever I log onto Atlas,doesn't happen in any other mmo game not even ark,not sure why,could be distance I am from server and data time back and forth etc.But it's definitely the mechanics of the game somewhere and not my pc.It's so bad somedays I can't be bothered to wait it out and play I just log out again.I just hope it changes in the future.

  8. If you have got to add the ability to play another game inside the game itself just to keep people from jumping ship out of monotony, then houston,we have a problem.I play this game to relieve boredom at times,if I then find something in it tedious or monotonous to do,then I dont think adding another game within is facing the issue.ok you could say well quit the game,but if everybody who didnt like an aspect of some mmo quit,there would technically by reason of description be no mmo left.I am sure that the people who are anti fast travel have other parts of the game they would like to see changed,just look at the replies in this topic to see travel time must be one of the biggest issues in the game right now,it needs a solution.

  9. At the end of the day the people who get to an area and start building first should be left to build, and anyone after if they don't have enough space should move on.We all stand in queues in real life and no one likes an aggressive queue jumper who doesn't want to wait their turn.Look at the size of this map,its huge compared to some mmos, don't spam everywhere just  find somewhere else,if you were beaten to a spot,move on and get over it. 

  10. The lag issue isn't true at all,I get more lag through sailing long distances than any other point in the game,and it has nothing to do with my pc.I know i'm not the only one either.The only thing that I got lag from in ark was the massive amounts of tames around me.Which seems to be the same direction everyone wants with atlas,bizarre because they seem to have fled ark and now want the same things here.conan exiles has a small form of fast travel,wow,eso,FFonline,no mans sky,and some of the others have got either fast flight or fast travel or both.Fast flight to me would be a better option,but knowing this game I would have to beat every single boss armed with a banana skin,just to unlock it.

  11. I can't believe the irony,you said no warp,atlas is supposed to be a huge world yet in the next few lines you are telling people they can play with only a quarter of it?I don't see anything wrong with strategically placed fast travel over the map,you'd probably have to find it first anyway.Nearly all other mmos have some kind of system in place even when their maps are small,and it hasn't ruined them.Personally i'd settle for airships instead but that's just personal preference.As the mmos i've noticed that don't have fast travel do at least have flight in some way,some mmos have both too.

  12. I grind levels a lot,usually by pickaxing rocks for metal,the difference is I dont run the risk of losing my unarmed ship and all the cargo because of lag and freeze when I'm on land,and I'm not affected on land if the wind changes direction,like I said before I personally dont find sailing boring but it does take too long,but other people have paid for the game the same as everyone else and have a right to voice their opinion,the devs will do whatever they choose regardless of opinion sometimes.The maps huge and unless you are in a reasonably large company travelling from one end of the map to another isn't a feasable option,also someone has to maintain main base and Island while you are gone.

  13. They could have grids with floating teleports like giant gateways or markers like buoys in the ocean for fast travel.Also the ship of the damned aggro meter could be set to ignore low threats,I mean I got sunk on a raft once which is just silly tbh.The rumour was though that we might be getting airships eventually,not everyones cup of tea I know but I am looking forward to it personally.and maybe it'll mean faster travel.

  14. I believe the devs of this game are quite capable of accepting constructive criticism,and as such probably don't need a knight in shining armour to defend them,however gallant your intentions might be.Everyone is entitled to mention things they would like to see changed or improved especially as this is a forum for that reason.I myself don't find sailing in atlas boring but it can take far too long as I don't always have the time to play for hours on end,and the lag on the sea and between grids can be quite horrendous,and make a salt errand like a full time job,it takes many real people to play an mmo and make it interesting to play so maybe its time people accepted that,and accepted their right to a different opinion too.

  15. I don't think adding more enemies are the answer,especially as I sail an unarmed sloop or schooner a lot of the time just to get essential salt or metals and glass etc,It's a nightmare when you cross a grid and get freezes only to find yourself facing the sotd,bad enough they can still manouvre in no wind when I cant but add to that lag and freezes and I am ready to throw in the towel!Teleport points in the ocean could work,but failing  that giving every island the essentials for everything they craft, to cut the amount of sailing time would work too,however the Idea I believe is to get more people to sail,so it will need sorting out one way or another.

  16. I don't think it needs to be less boring personally,just a lot quicker,some kind of fast travel system would be preferable especially keeping in mind the size of the map.I know we have beds but I like to keep my items with me.failing that just faster sailing would do, it just takes too long at the moment and when I get lag I run the risk of losing everything if I run into sotd. especially when the game freezes up,but not more mini games please,loading a pistol while im  fighting is impossible enough,dont wanna be fighting the sotd and constantly doing something else just to move anywhere.

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  17. Why do people criticize solo players for not understanding the point of an MMO,when companies large and small sail round the map selfishly spamming everywhere with no regard of any other player,or they build the massive walls across entry points and make excuses about it being reasonable to do so?Spamming is not reasonable its selfish as hell and sailing to an island for ages just to find it spammed is a real game killer for people.

  18. Firstly,I still play WOW and have solo,d most of it,also bosses dont drop vital equipment they drop extras like legendaries and mounts etc,ESO I've pretty much solo'd the whole game and only grouped when a boss is 3mill hp or over,conan exiles I'm solo and it also gives you a local option to play solo.Ark I play solo also gives you a local option too.Gw2 I solo,FFO I solo,Dark and light,Star trek online and no mans sky, most of these games when you do need to group with someone have a quick transport method which means I dont have to set aside 2hours just to win essential game content or meet up at a dungeon or boss fight.Sadly conan exiles has also started to add content behind bosses now and our server player base is now one quarter of what it was and all the big tribes are gone anyway.and I don't consider Caring about a game to be the same as whining about it,ive never just rubbished the game just pointed out things that I feel are wrong or could be improved same as a lot of other players have. 

  19. How many large tribes have all players online everyday?Thats why people need larger groups so they dont lose all their stuff if they are offline for a while,the solo player is taking a much larger risk,so why is he/she penalised for playing solo?I'm in a company,but I am the only one who plays everyday,we are all on different time zones and have next to zero chance of getting all the content,yet I seem to remember paying the same money for the game as everyone else.Personally when I've had enough of the devs ignoring sound advice from players who have been around since gaming first began I wont sulk I'll just move on,sadly I doubt if i'll be alone.

  20. It annoys me when people quote most mmos have gated progress and rewards etc,I play a lot of mmos and most of them,especially the longest surviving ones have content that is level locked,ie flying, weapons,map areas  etc.This is to reward all players for commitment to the game not just to reward the biggest fight club.If the devs keep doing this kind of thing this game is gonna lose its most committed player base,and they can just hope that no one else decides to release a pirate or similar themed  mmo in the meantime.

  21. Also,I could be wrong but the sotd dont seem to need the wind direction to be in their favour,its no joke when u get mobbed in an unarmed sloop and you can barely move.If it's bad for us it should be the same for the sotd too.

  22. Reducing sickle damage would be fine if the cutlass wasnt so glitchy and didnt stop being useable sometimes when i'm attacked.I've reverted like I know a lot of people have to using the sickle instead,now thats not an option could you at least fix the sword?thx

  23. well tbh it was a single sail sloop though so no crew,also cos of the lag it literally would not stop and just demolished the sail,all they need to do is move it on the wheel,also mine doesnt need a confirm cos with the xbox controller you dont click anything,just choose option on wheel and it demolishes.once it starts you cant stop it either.oh well

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