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Posts posted by Whitehawk

  1. Tbh I could understand wanting that much control if you owned a server and pay for it with real money, but not if you have claimed an island as part of a game mechanic. No one forces anybody to claim an island, you could just live on someone else's or build on lawless. If you give island owners too much control you just end up with some having a god complex and exploiting the power. I was always quite happy on lawless anyway, it's not as bad as people make out.

  2. I always thought that the whole point of being able to own an island, was being able to delete peoples spam in part. If nobody is allowed to build in the first place, then what is the point of being able to demolish it and having a timer? I doubt if anyone would want to have to physically allow people to build every time they ask. And to be honest I asked island owners in the past and all I got was a load of owners trying to be oh so clever with sarcastic remarks. Then another time I built a small hut after asking permission, and the next day it was destroyed, cos apparently it was in the  wrong place. So in the end I stayed on lawless. I don't think the current Island owning situation is ideal, but I don't see many ways round it tbh.

  3. This happens all the time in conan exiles, but the decay timer is a lot lower. and normally the people who do it move on anyway. When I played Ark someone griefed me by putting pipes all the way round my cabin. When that didn't work they surrounded my hut with massive dinos. In the end I had so much lag I couldn't actually play anymore. I wouldn't have minded if I had built a massive base but it was only about 8 blocks square. It was a massive tribe too, they just thought it was funny. Stopped me playing ark for good tbh.

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  4. Strange thing is I haven't seen a pve player saying they should abandon pvp or implement loadsa nerfs that would make pvp rubbish. Weird how so many pvp players are hostile towards pve. Even though  imo  the devs are actually more suited to pve, as they haven't made a decent pvp side to a game yet.

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  5. The problem I foresee is if games like skull and bones get released, which is essentially gonna be hardcore ship pvp battles. Atlas has more potential as a pyrate survival game than a rust on water style of game. Yeh a lot of people like pvp, but not all of them are gonna want to play at being pyrates. And bearing in mind, after the initial purchase of the game, there is no income from it, and it isn't good enough to have a subscription or micro transactions. It will just end up as another pvp grief fest, with tons of unfixed bugs, what a bore.

  6. First of all i'd like to point out that unless you start Atlas with other people then you always start out solo. Secondly there are a lot of ways of making your base less detectable, although it will now be tougher with a smaller map. but if you look for long enough you will find places that aren't easy to see or stumble on, but in an exploration game no matter how well you hide, your base will be discovered eventually.

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  7. I personally am not sure where Atlas is heading, but one thing is for sure, people have a right to play it and and enjoy as much as people have the right not to. Besides I and many others have had our moneys worth so far. If people are that bothered about a realistic pvp pyrate game, then inundate ubi with requests to speed up skull and bones. I mean that's been in production for nearly 3 years now and so far I've only ever seen a demo!

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  8. Ive just been to a freeport where the passage is so narrow I didn't think I would get my ship in, so I have also noticed terrain and islands have been done with pvp in mind. On a plus side the smaller map has improved my xbox graphs and performance. It would have been good if they could have added a bit of content, even a damn carpet would have been nice. But overall the update did go quite smoothly, and as has been said, on time too. So lets see what they do next. That's if people can handle the overcrowding in pve anyway, at least in pvp you can blow them up.

  9. Ok, so apart from the usual spawning into the sea, (SP) .no resource bugs(again) and getting stuck, which all seem to happen everytime now. What does everyone actually think of the new update? For me I am not happy about the wipe again, and maybe another one coming for pve eventually( maybe not). But for now at least, pve seems almost like business as usual. Haven't played the pvp yet so can't comment on the claiming etc. And I haven't claimed any land yet in pve either. Is that still the same?

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