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Posts posted by Pattus

  1. On 8/16/2020 at 3:37 PM, TangoMan said:

    As a small company living in lawless (I realize that isn't the ideal style of play for this game) the farmhouses and warehouses have really unbalanced the game for us. ....Appreciate the effort!


    Unfortunately they cut the PVP map in half.  This is a VERY BAD sign.  There aren't enough islands to go around, and even if there were, they are too cheap and large companies own multiple islands partly due to this.


  2. 2 hours ago, Chismebeard said:

    Sorry all.  I'm usually only logged into the ATLAS account, and not my personal account.  

    I also don't usually chime in because there is nothing for me to say.  It doesn't seem the Q&A questions are satisfactory, so we may discontinue them for now, and only post when there is a definite timeline for things.

    Chism don't take it personal.  You are coming in late in the game.  I've been here since day one, and the game has been through a lot of ups and down.  Your team IS coming up with great stuff, but it just seems rushed to me.  We are a great community and have lots to contribute (even if mostly snark towards the devs).  Test test test!!! I was always part of the PTR group and happy to do it.  When the Farms came out, it introduced some obvious bugs (not to mention blowing away all unofficial servers).  Then throwing the warehouse on top, all of a sudden the game is SERIOUSLY broken.  Should have been rolled back instantly (in my opinion). 

    • Like 3

  3. 10 hours ago, RavenRetired said:

    I want to ask why the barrel bomb update. It resulted in overcrowded freeports, common schooners killing mythic galleons/brigs, pretty any ship that gets the first volley of barrels off. There was a reason barrels where taken out of cannons in season one. I would like to know why it was decided to return to this mechanic ? 


    Overcrowded Freeports???


    Will there be plans to fix the SOTD's?   Because in PVE, it's the funnest things to kill on the sea.  PVE, another nail in the coffin, on purpose?  The feature to bug ratio right now is quite unfavorable.

  4. Combine the warehouse and the smithy. 


    On 8/12/2020 at 4:19 AM, Sargon Trillian said:

    Back on topic... How about the new ship thing... I've such a dream ship I want... 

    Can it get more pirate! why yes it can! give me the Nautilus

    Thanks for your work on the game and moving it more to the sea!

    -Sargon Trillian

    Support only if they can be mounted with blades that can cut a mythic galleon in half and spear whales dead and collect their gold through a spout 😄

  5. On 8/5/2020 at 6:58 PM, krazmuze said:

    Well technically then vitamin drain and food drain are the same thing if realistically it takes weeks, but of course you should gradually get more and more fatigue setting in.    Can not be very active when you are on a hunger strike.     In single player I think you could adjust for this realism, but I never bothered because it is so damn easy to get food stacks, even fish they made it so the pole/net gets more fish filets then the spear/pike/speargun does.    After that you learn your 25/5 pattern put the stacks in the hotbar and mash some keys to stay in balance.   You do not even need to learn cooking to stay in balance, the biggest issue is the overeating is required to stay in balance which is nonsense even if you are that inactive.


    There are Dragons and Hydras in the game 😄


  6. 1 hour ago, Whitehawk said:

    In some games you can't participate in pvp until you are a certain level, which I feel they could implement in Atlas. I've played some games where players will literally wait for you to re-spawn just to kill you over and over again. What a stupid game mechanic that is, they only have to change the re-spawn area for players to stop it. At least Atlas doesn't do that.



  7. On 7/29/2020 at 10:48 AM, DeathMother said:

    So what do you think about a few hours of game play where nothing you own can be stolen/damage or destroyed for decent start ups ? I.g new character log in and you have a decent 100 hours of game play to set yourself up with everything you need for a decent go. 

    There is PVE for that play style.  Else you could just start a new character, have someone give you a level 120 canonbear and you'd kind of be invincible.


    • Confused 1

  8. Apparently the season 4 hammer fell on a number of companies everyone knew was cheating.   Large companies were quick to capitalize on the fact that all of the ILL GOTTEN assets were left for public consumption.  They should have been structure wiped.  Just sayin.  Season 4 is basically over.



    • Thanks 1

  9. We reported one company that admitted to it.  They were getting headshots at 100-200 yards on moving targets behind cover, regularly.  This was a large company and nothing at was done.  Despite the fact that they openly admitted it and wrote the commands to accomplish it in world chat.

  10. On 5/16/2020 at 1:17 PM, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    This game never should have had base defense as part of the game.  The focus should have been on PvP at sea.  Sadly, I experience way more land PvP, and most of my play time was dedicated to building for land defense, and taming/breeding for land PvP.

    I agree,  maybe the answer is you put a claim flag down, anywhere.  And that generates a fully functional generic base with everything you need in it.  That base becomes invulnerable.  There would have to be some limit on storage.

  11. 8 hours ago, Helgard said:

    They could have decreased island points per company, but hard capped to 1 island ? 
    And how do you think to defeat your enemys and claim their island if you have to drop your island doing it ? 😄

    Shallow thinking mate

    If you destroy the assets on the island most companies will drop the claim anyways.  Shallow thinking is why the game is in it's current state.  What's to prevent a company from splitting to own all the islands?  I don't have that answer.  But I do know if a few companies are able to consume most of the land the population problem will take care of itself. 

  12. Any land based structure kind of defeats the goal of putting people to sea.  The issue right now is that, due to the cost reduction of islands, the turnover of land is at an all time high.  A few companies have capitalized most of the islands.  There are fewer, cheaper islands that result in a lot of land contention.  Therefore, a farmhouse may sound useful, but if you can't keep the land it makes no difference.  This season will see the same companies dominating a smaller world, faster and with fewer resources.  It's already happened.   There should be a hard limit of one island per company as the way it is now everyone is paying 30% tax that isn't part of a large company.  It's getting old fast.

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