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Posts posted by Pattus

  1. 7 hours ago, George of the jungle said:

    All good reasons. The only problem is if you are coming back next season you do realize none of that will change though right?

    they are just going to change the map again a little and call it a new season. They might bring in another copy paste feature like they did with platform saddles and I wouldn’t be surprised if they added a couple dinos from ark as well.

    ark still keeps its numbers high so don’t be surprised if they to to arkify atlas even more than it is.

    They might fix the ladder bug, the bed bug, the painting bug, the......... ok, I guess you are right.  The good news is we might get trainable snails that give out free organic paste.

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  2. MMO, Massively Multiplayer Online.......

    PVP, Player versus player.


    There is not a lot of room for solo's there.  Iv'e tried soloing on Ark and Atlas, IT DOESN'T work.  IF you are on PVP you should hookup with an island owner to be a vassal on their island for protection.  Or live out of Freeport.  IF you build on Lawless you WILL lose everything eventually.

  3. So correct me if I'm wrong you can put a platform on a crab and mount cannons and crew on the platform.  So basically you could swim underwater, basically invulnerable, and pop up anywhere you want, fire the cannons and duck back under that water.  You could theoretically approach any blind  spot that way and be completely invulnerable to surface attacks.

  4. I'm not sure I like the idea of reskinning Atlas as Steampunk MMO.  I know that the dev's had aspirations of this and that's why thinks like Dino's and Tanks were leaked into the code.  I think another layer of tech will just push more new players out.  There is a insurmountable disparity between noobs/small companies and larger companies due to the way BP's are handled.  Just adding another tech level will extend the gap, in my opinion. 

    Limit land building and simplify breeding further if you want to make this a sea adventure game. 

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