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Everything posted by mandrik

  1. Hi, thanks for clarification. This issue should be answered with the decay on structures
  2. I don't know why everyone is raising their fists at the devs. They try to understand us, but man... This is hell. The community is always splitted about how the game should be: For claiming, some were happy to see lawless wide server (bye flags and taxes), and others (like me) wanted to see the PVP claiming brought to PVE servers with adjustments. The fact is, it's easier to say you want something else/you don't like/the game is trash, than to support the idea/mechanic. But lets focus on the point. I find this new claim mechanic more balanced than before: - "Claim Flags now have an upkeep cost which is paid from the tax bank" Captain's Log 22. But the numbers should be high enought to discourage single players or small companies to forbid access to other companies. Without them, they wouldn't be able to pay the land fee (depending of the land value). That's why I my opinion we won't be in the same situation as today where most of the lands are claimed with nothing on it. An idea might be for the biggest lands to require an upkeep cost including several kinds of wood/tatch/fiber and so on. This will encourage traveling, the core mechanic of the game. - "Companies will be able to own multiple settlements, but there will be a hard limit" Captain's Log 23. This is most important thing that devs should keep an eye on. In my opinion, even a fairly large company (like 50 ppl) shouldn't possess more than one island. If a company wants to have outposts everywhere, they should do it on claimed islands. - "Claim owners will be able to demolish structures (via the pinwheel) on their settlements temporarily as long as the structure has been placed within the last X hours" Captain's Log 23. This will give safety to anyone settling to an owned land. Today, when you build on claimed zones, nothing protects you from the owner changing his mind and demolishing your castle. But same as before, the number should give the owner enough time to react when somebody is spamming pillars everywhere. Like 24h at least. TL,DR: With proper tuning on numbers, I'm sure that the game will definitely be better than before.
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