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Everything posted by MightySheep

  1. their behavior is certainly dumb but I dont get whats to stop you just leading it to the other side of the island? weve had our fair share of alpha wolf terrorism and we just opt to die 2 or 3 times in a row to lead it far away
  2. that would be like putting out a fire with a grenade
  3. I have multiple suggestions. Firstly, I think that companies should have to spread their territory outwards from the first flag that they place. This would stop the ugly patchy claiming all over the oceans and the claiming of multiple islands all over the world by huge companies. They would have to chain their territory across the sea to own multiple islands which makes sense anyway and it would look much better. Secondly nobody understand the "latitude" and "longitude" messages. It really isnt helpful, especially when you own a lot of territory. If the territory was highlighted on the map it would be so much more useful. Especially if you own a lot of territory, it would be nice to see exactly which section is being stolen. Thirdly I would like it if the messages related to territory weren't so obnoxious in the middle of the screen. It is easily abusable when you see a territory being claimed you can press H and step in and out of the border edge to cover the entire screen of everyone in that company with annoying text messages.
  4. Could be someone lured an animal there? ive seen alpha animals breaking stuff through walls and killing people. Was it a small base? Also sometimes when you log out your head pokes through walls, I killed a guy once with this but couldnt loot it. When you die your body and loot will decay quite quickly.
  5. I would agree if not for the recent change where the timing for taking land is much more reasonable and achievable. It makes sense that you should have to fight for it. My personal grief with the colonizing system is I think you should only be able to expand from existing territory, the way big clans spam the entire map with claim flags is dumb, it should have to be a slow progression outwards and it would look cooler. It would also stop them easily claiming multiple islands.
  6. Anyone who has had to deal with this knows how annoying and stupid it is that you can have people who just respawn over and over and plant flags all over your territory. Their beds are in a secure location and they can just harass you for days and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. Sure you can kill them repeatedly but you get nothing out of it and they lose nothing. It's the same in PvP they can be a swarm of nakeds with bows and torches and you might be way stronger and take out way more of them but they can keep respawning and your efforts are totally meaningless. I've also had nakeds running in and out of my territory claim flags in order to spam our whole screen with "your territory claim is being contested" until your screen is full of text and they can keep doing that as long as they want and we cant really stop them because their bed is behind a stone wall spam.
  7. New skill change makes total sense to me, you should have to specialize. Before I could literally make plate armor, 2h maces, build stone houses, build sloops, build artillery and also I had the archery and melee tree unlocked. Now I've specialized on the archery / melee stuff as well as plate armor, and my friends have had to specialize into artillery, guns, building, etc.
  8. Make a forge, the ingots count as alloys. I made some tin ingots in a forge and it worked as an alloy in ingredient.
  9. I was switching between grid tiles and I think I picked a bad one because now I cant connect and my character might be stuck there. However I did pick a home tile and was instantly back in the grid selection screen with the message "you were killed by an eel" popping up. I think I may have been insta-killed by eels before I even loaded anything then I was back on the old grid picking where to spawn and as soon as I spawned again I froze up underwater with the message "you were killed by an eel" lingering on my screen. Then I crashed and now can no longer connect to the game. I would appreciate if a GM could manually kill my character "Jimmy Sheep" (EU PvP) or "mightysheep_" steam id.
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