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Everything posted by WhyteOne

  1. I disagree. I know many people who bought the game, could not get in in the beginning, all thr claimable land was gone. Sometimes entire islands owned by 1 douche canoe and they left. Tonight I have heard from many of those people and they are ready to go back in and give it another entry because the devs are going to wipe all of it away and now EVERYONE gets a fair chance at getting on better land. PVP is a joke anyway. It's all a bunch of couch nerds circle jerking each other anyway. I told my group from the first day we started playing "before the end of March or April this shit will get wiped away and we will have to restart anyway. If anyone who has ever played ARK or knows anything about WildCard thought for one second that this was not going to happen I got a bridge to sell you..cheap. this will end up being better for ALL players not just the lucky douche canoes that were able to get entire islands. Suck it up!!!
  2. So i am missing a file. when i click start server i get a message that says i am missing "redis-server_startup.bat". Is there a way to obtain said file and if so how please? and no its not where its supposed to be. I checked.
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