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About BossMan1250

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  1. What's a horny pirate's worst nightmare? A sunken chest with no booty!
  2. Yeah - I've adjusted my play style to account for this as well. It wouldn't be so bad if the mechanics for the bear weren't also wonky. You sprint forward an inch and find yourself three feet behind where you started. I can manage. I think the most annoying part though is getting stuck at the head of the mouth once you kill the crock. Especially if you're also being bombarded by an army of cobras at the same time. It's nerve racking not being able to consistently hit the cobras because of their unusually small hit box.
  3. Hit boxes for cobras and crocks are wonky. Additionally, character seems to be stuck on head of cobra after an elimination causing character to follow kill animation of cobra. Several hits are not registered while attacking a crock head on with a bear and upon elimination the bear becomes stuck in place, able only to move around in circles until the dead body has been consumed or has decayed. This is occasionally true with cobras as well.
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