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Everything posted by GrumpyBandit.T.TV

  1. Funny enough it was only yesterday in the middle of a storm I hit someones ship FULL BORE and didn't dent them. I sunk after a slight delay.
  2. Why not add a ship parking tax to peoples claims which will eliminate people parking their ships for extended periods and or griefing with ships by blocking ports. So the claim owner gets a percentage of gold each day from the ships resource box - when and if this gold runs out the ship owner has a few days to remove the ship or the claim owner can take ownership of the ship. Or simply put a time limit on people parking on your claim?
  3. Can you please move the demolish function from the root of your ship functions? Put it under (Options) (Ship) and then add a "are you sure you want to demolish".
  4. Easy fix providing you're on PVE and its a claimable lot - wait till its quiet - pull your flag down and put it back up. You will have full control of all crap on your claim. Be aware if you have a water claim with land claims nested inside it you need to remove water claim first - then pull land claim. Put back in reverse order - land claim first, then water claim. SIDE NOTE: Go into your COMPANY settings - next to the CREW LOG is GOVERNANCE tab. AT the bottom under DEFAULT TERRITORY SETTING - change this to ONLY COMPANY CAN BUILD. Next time you claim land it wont default to EVERYONE CAN BUILD.
  5. Any news or updates on implementation of ship deletion code for PVE?
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