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About 16bitwarrior

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  1. 27 Days now, cannot demolish other peoples buildings on my land now. 27 days since changing territory settings and being allowed to demolish... but does nothing the buildings remain. Land has always been my claim.
  2. - Fixed a bug which prevented players from being able to demolish structuresDirect quote from the newest patch. 21 days now that i've been allowed to demolish this guy's crap that he built in my own claim i've had since day 5, changed flag settings 21 days ago, said demolish allowed after timer ran up, still cant demolish. They Fixed a bug for it.... still cant Demolish it.
  3. Hey me again, 18 days or so since i've been trying to demolish this random crap in my claim... says demolish, gives button, does nothing. Fix already. Guy is either not coming back to the island or no longer plays. And another person i know rage quit after his schooner randomly was sunk for no apparent reason.
  4. it's been so long now that i've been trying to demolish this guys crap off my claim. It's always been my claim. He built on it, i was gone a few days, friend was playing, someone built on my land cause somehow it was changed to Allow all to build. I changed it back a long time ago, Still cant demolish. Says "Demolish Allowed!" but nothing happens when i click demolish, it just stays there. I WANT THIS GUY OFF MY LAWN AND HIS SHIPYARD OUT MY WAY SO I CAN BUILD MY DOCK.
  5. been waiting 14 days to demolish this random shipyard....
  6. Still Cant Demolish, allies and a random person built all up in my way. i cant remove the last of it and it's in my way. YOU SAID YOU FIXED THIS BUG AWHILE AGO.
  7. This Bug is still going on, cant demolish stuff that's on my OWN TERRITORY. Even if it says Demolish allowed. Just checked today
  8. back before IN A PAST PATCH yall said the bug was fixed. Can you Please FIX THE BUG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  9. Some how my Claim Territory stuff was changed to allow anyone to build. Guy puts a small building where i was gunna build something and a small dock all up in my way. I've since changed it back many days ago, waited the full Demolish Wait Timer, and additional days since then, and I can not demolish and get this guys crap out of my way, i havent even seen the person once... Says Demolish Allowed, I go to select it, nothing happens. Shipyard wont even let me do that. Day 7 now of trying to remove this crap.
  10. 808 Gold still in the ship box, plenty of food as well in the larder...Logged out with 3 Seated and 3 unseated on my ship, Logged in and my 2 Highest Level NPCs are now gone, nowhere to be seen. This is the 2nd Time I've logged in after waking up from playing the previous night to find Them missing and 0 explanation on why they arent there. Crew Log indicates nothing.
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