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Everything posted by Rashaka

  1. So there is a strange oddity happening in the game. Randomly things are getting teleported around the game world. I had a bear and two chickens from my company show up on my brig. My brig is a gunship and is not used for transporting animals and to my knowledge has NEVER had chickens on it. The company is only friends and family and no one is trolling anyone. The animals just randomly teleported to the ship. Since they count as crew if the ship was already at crew max this would have caused the ship to sink seemingly randomly. This could be one explanation for how ships are randomly sinking. In another episode with the game one of our other brigs randomly disappeared from our port and relocated to an entire other server. I went to the brig and picked up a blueprint. The owner of the brig logged in 5 minutes later and asked where the brig was. I was confused since I had just gotten off it. Using the atlas map we found the brig in another map. We stripped down items and used the bed teleport system to go out to it. The ship was in the middle of the deep sea and it was anchored in an area where the anchor shouldn't have worked. No one else was logged in for our company from the time that I got the blueprint off the ship and the time that the ship owner logged and and noticed the ship was missing. It clearly teleported there since the anchor was engaged in a location where a player couldn't set the anchor.
  2. Please fix this... should seriously take about 10 minutes including boot up time on your dev kit....
  3. When you put level up points into animals they do not give you what they say they will give. This happens on at least boats and animals. I have no confirmed this for player characters yet. It usually doesn't happen until you've put 10-20 points into the same stat. For example I had an elephant that was at 4322 carry weight and I went to put in a level. It said it would give 102 points and would become 4424 but when I put in the point the weight only went to 4381 which is roughly 60 of the 102 points that it said I would get. This happens on both public and private servers. It has also been tested on several different private servers to ensure there isn't a stat change on the server that is causing the problem. It will happen on private servers that both have and have not edited the amount of stat points you get per upgrade.
  4. Animals frequently disappear when being loaded onto a boat of pretty much any size of animal or boat. The animal will just disappear into thin air. Also sometimes the animals load onto the boat and are stuck into the boat geometry meaning half way into the side of the boat panels with one end or the other sticking outside of the wall and the other inside the wall. If left for more than a couple of minutes this animal will disappear and later on will get a random death message.
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