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Everything posted by Stinky_Pete

  1. @Tiger2243 Thank you for responding. The rogue Island in question (MnT_R_CL_PVE) isn't located on a homeserver. However, I'm wondering, when you adjusted your animals/dino spawn-rate, did you do it server/cluster wide (via ini files) or were your adjustments island specific? The reason I ask is; my PVE islands are all at the default spawn rate (1) The above being the case, it's highly possible I've missed something relating to configuring server/cluster wide spawn rates in the ini files. Any insights into this area are most welcome.
  2. I've been experiencing a similar issue. However in my case, 7 out of 8 PVE islands spawn bosses, 1 does not, no matter what configuration(s) I've tried. Over the past few weeks, I've set up numerous test environments with varying server/island/configuration/setting differences, all with the same result. (7 out of 8 PVE islands spawn bosses, 1 does not) In every case, the outlying PVE island has been Mnt_R_CL_PVE Over the coming weeks, I'll be rebuilding my 2x2 cluster from scratch and will also try experimenting with a 2x3. More to follow.....
  3. Thank you for you reply. I neglected to mention in my previous post that my unofficial 2x2 only has 1 Homeserver and there aren't any PVE Islands on that server. I will however take a look at increasing the NPC Spawn rate on all non Homeservers and report back my findings.
  4. I'm having this same issue, but only on one out of eight PVE Islands; Mnt_R_CL_PVE If I bring an artifact key from another Island Boss I can retrieve the PowerStone but I have yet to see a boss spawn locally. I've been troubleshooting this for three days as of this writing. As an additional troubleshooting measure I've set up two separate test servers. The first has one Freeport island and all eight PVE islands, with the GhostShip and Kracken. The other has one Freeport, and one PVE island; Mnt_R_CL_PVE In both test scenarios, the results are the same. (On PVE island Mnt_R_CL_PVE no boss spawns)
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