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Everything posted by IxTwisTeDxI

  1. Were not looking to sell them atm. We might once we have a surplus of them as we like to try and tame at least 3 over a weekend event. However right now we would only be willing to sell the necessary recipes you will need to tame one. The recipes themselves are not an easy thing to acquire, so worthy purchase for anyone interested in taming a razortooth.
  2. Order of the Kraken here. Based in C12. Island we live on is very very rich in iron and syrup (sap). Also we have tamed many razortooth from the golden age and maybe open to selling the required recipes for taming one for your own company. Additional to this we also grow every available crop and have the seeds to sell if needs be.
  3. I can firmly say, although difficult, it is possible to tame the sheildhorns and razortooth on the golden age islands without the use of traps. Like people have said in other comments you need a good group with a clear plan and communication. We have tamed 6 razortooth now on EU official PvE and a handful of sheildhorns. So it can be done, were not exactly pro lol. If trap building was enabled, them servers would be bogged down even more with structure spam on top of the insane amount of ships that are left at these islands. You can see us tame our very first razortooth in the link below if you would like an idea of what its like and how it goes without a trap :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnMS1xX_yGc
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