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Ivah BlackWater

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Posts posted by Ivah BlackWater

  1. LOL 81 claims, so you hog land. Beautiful.. and this folks right here is why people have issues getting land. And I am done on this post because it seems Jean is mightier than the rest of us peons. Talking things through with them seems to be lost, as they do everything correctly while the rest of us... we are just stupid and lazy.

    Hats off to you...

    To those that are struggling for a piece of the pie for themselves, I wish you nothing but luck and hopefully you get the things you seek.


  2. @Jean Lafitte Just because your experience in the game is going a lot better than some others doesn't mean there aren't glaring issues happening. The WHOLE claim system is flawed. Your excuses for having 0 sympathy for others is just childish. Most people are putting in the time and effort. Seems YOU are trying to make excuses up to get others pissed off and even more frustrated.

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  3. @Jean Lafitte There is good reason people are not taking you up on your offer, so many have been burned by those claiming to give free land or rent out land. You really can't get that mad about that, it's actually quite understandable.

    As for lots of land available in PvE... nooo there really isn't. I sail a lot and when making my discoveries I check things out. Flags are not coming up and when they do.. they are coming into negative timers and you can't claim the flag still. Now, I know there is "some" land free down in the tundra lawless areas. But the amount comparable to the whole map.. very little. And let's be honest not everyone wants to live in the tundra/cold areas.. it is rather depressing (or at least I find them very depressing places to be). I know where servers have an average of 5 people max, mostly 3 people in the zone always but whole islands locked down.

    Seems people are not playing but logging in once a week to just hold the land, because they can. I talked to a couple people who admitted to this. Very shitty if you aren't going to play then just remove the flags. But I realize once again, people are assholes.

    I do hope the land claims are fixed here soon.

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  4. It is NOT the PvE Crowd that is shouting the most, I have to say the PvP is screaming louder. But that doesn't matter, everyone as a collective wants changes made for a better game play, it's that simple. Stop trying to make a divide between PvE and PvP players and let's stand as a whole and try to get things changed for the better.

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  5. It's not the fact of to many players not enough land.. the issue is companies being complete hogs and taking whole islands and many islands for themselves because they wanna be assholes about it. And a lot stems from the stupid wanting to be "top company" crap. I sail a lot and visit a lot of places and I can tell you to all the places I have been, there is NEVER anyone around but once in a blue moon. People have grabbed this land, and threw 30% tax on it and do nothing else with it but to fast travel there to reset the flags. It's boring as hell to go around and no one to interact with.

    I am having a issue with the island I have now with overlapping. I can't build because of it. I have tried to get in contact with both companies on either side of me but none respond, why?? because they simply are not playing and only log into set the flags. These two have most of the island that I am on and it sucks because there is no where on there to build, oh yea and their flags are set to company only, so if I even wanted to build on their land I couldn't.

    Now before anyone says go to a different Island.. I have in a lawless area in the cold. But the fact still states.. no one is around yet all these islands are hogged up and claim flags are standing at 17-20 days constantly.

    I know the devs are working on a work around for this...buuuuuuuut it is kinda taking longer than more people have patience for. I knew what I signed up for when I bought the game, and I am still here if that says anything. So I do hope things change soon.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Turning down the frequency of cyclones during rain but upping the damage was a good move in the right direction, but further fine tuning could be used. Since cyclones rarely appear in groups like women going to the restroom in public, perhaps make them more often be like guys, solo with the occasional rush during halftime

    ^ HAHAHA!!

  7. Really the weather systems are not that bad, I like the fog, it brings somewhat more of a challenge at sea. There are things put into the game that make the weather system not that bad besides the cyclones, but hell you can ride them out or drive through them. Simple!

    Not sure why there is so many complaints about the weather.

    P.S. Okay I can agree that the Desert heat waves need a change, I live there and it is a bitch to deal with most of the time.

  8. For the love of all.... Use PARAGRAPHS!! Maybe throw in some comma's, sentence structure will help.. OY! Can even read through the wall of text.


    I love how PvE'ers are being blamed in here.. LOL!!!! I see more "crying" from PvP'ers then anything.

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  9. What I am seeing from your response is excuses! I play both PvP and PvE .. I know what is needed to play the game. Like I said I have been playing online games and many games for a long time.

    What your little program is, is invasion of privacy.. plain and simple!!!

    It lacks effort into doing what the game is about.. oh big deal you coded something to track others, but why don't you physically go out and do that. You are hiding behind your computer until the other company is offline so you can go raid them and get no resistance.. yea REEEEAAALLLL pvp there. *rolls eyes*

    • Like 2

  10. People trying to justify using this outside means to track you in and hells even out of game is simply ridiculous. But then again privacy means nothing anymore!!! I'm a VERY old school gamer (yep.. you can make old people jokes) but anyways.. there were games played open world like this, and what did we do.. we tracked in game and when we knew they were at their weakest... meaning away from their bases, NOT offline.. we attacked.. we went out to where they were hunting, gathering and we also attacked them there to make them even weaker.

    No one seems to want to put effort into anything anymore.... it is always quick gratification and move on to the next person we can rip apart. This shit gets BORING!! Make a game out of hunting said people you want to take out. This is what turns me away from gaming more and more ... people just don't want to put the effort into anything.


    And I am not meaning you have to put a million hours into the game, there are ways to go about things to find out info, hunting patterns and such.

    • Like 4

  11. Oh man where to start...

    Firstly, some of you REALLY have a hard time comprehending why the issue of tracking others movements is a issue. It is a invasion of privacy. There is no god damn need to know when someone logs in, how long they are playing, etc. If you think you need these for playing the game, maybe you just need to work a little harder at the game and do it the good ole fashion way and hunt for them.

    Secondly, we can clearly see there is a couple people here that have way to much time on their hands and maybe would be better spent reading a book or something.

    You should be able to play a game and not have to worry about someone tracking your every single movement you do in and out of the game!

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    • Haha 2

  12. I am totally in agreement with this. I am my company's painter and nothing is more disheartening when my vision comes out looking like it was painted back in the stone ages. I would like my bright, clear and dense paints please!!

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