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The D Legacy

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Posts posted by The D Legacy

  1. 5 hours ago, Archsenex said:

    When you are in a Galleon, the packs are very easy.  They can be taken out with almost no effort and very low risk until they hit the 50+ level range.  Having them be solo would require them to hit VERY hard to be anything close to a challenge, which would just mean they would shred schooners etc. even easier.

    Brigs and even schooners can take out the lighter packs.  

    From what I've seen, there's a lot of people that just won't be satisfied until there are no threats on the seas.  If you're in a Galleon, you can just push right through any SOD.  On our transport galleon (completely unarmed) I don't bother to turn when I see enemies, just push them out of the way.

    have they increase the planks durability or you just have people repairing the damaged planks? 1 full volley of a SotD galleon in the same plank should be able to take it down

  2. 1 hour ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    This is why on PvE structures need increased timers such as 14 days, and tames need increased timers from 8 days to match, i.e. 14 days.

    It's silly that timers are different for different things:

    • Tames - 8 days
    • Structures - 10 days
    • Ships - 21 days

    It doesn't make sense why tames are 8 days but structures 10.

    @Dollie @Jatheish I know i've said this plenty of times before, but we really need timers increased on PvE. 10 days is too short for holidays or unexpected absences.

    (Also if Silo could feed tames with berries too that would be amazing, hehehe hint hint :classic_biggrin:)

    there should be no timer at all, why do we have to get pressure from a game??is a fucking game, we play when we want to play and for as long want to play it, and if we deciide to take a break we should not be told "you have x remaining days before all your effort and time invested goes puff"

    • Thanks 1

  3. 1 hour ago, Vorxius said:

    Sad but true.  Had to leave the game for about a week and a half for personal reasons, and when back I saw this in the logs.



    Looks like all our crew killed, animals gone, other players tamed our stuff, and boats vanished.

    Not a good day for me 😭

    The only good news is that I was able to catch the base.  It's something I guess.


    i have said it over and over, REMOVE THE DECAY SYSTEM FOR PVE, encourage solo play, protect progression, yet they ignore that feedback, game is already at 4k average, when do you plan to finally listen @Jatheish

  4. 4 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    You make a lot of statements characterizing me as arrogant and going on about intolerance, yet all I've done is offer my own opinions and counter arguments to what you put forward. Whether I'm behaving in a civilized manner is not germane to whether I'm responsible for knowing your entire posting history, so that is a red herring. I have not once attacked you, merely offered a differing view from your own. If your psyche is so fragile that it can't handle having your ideas and opinions challenged without seeing that as an attack and characterizing the person doing so as arrogant (presumably the arrogance derives from having the temerity not to see things your way), then I would suggest you're going to find the internet in general pretty disagreeable.

    I see no reason not to repeat an argument when it's sound and you haven't offered a sound counter, just instead call my character into question and cast aspersions about the kind of person I am instead of sticking to the merits of the debate. Again going back to the restaurant analogy, no one suggested anyone was telling the chef how to cook, so that's a strawman you've put forward, rather I characterized the nature of your feedback. 

    Clearly you're less interested in having an actual debate about the issue than slinging mud at me because you've decided I'm so kind of awful human being. Since this is a public forum, I will leave others to form their own opinion of the type of person I am and say merely that your behavior leaves me uninterested in further discussion. Enjoy your Atlas adventure wherever it takes you.

    there you go again, holy mother of god, you rly need to have the last word in everything dont you?? have it your way, i already invested much more time in this forum than i had initially planned (most of it in your incessant blabbering) as a result that time wich i had planned to use to give feedback and contructive debates with civilized people was instead dedicated to feding off your attacks and need of attention, wish you to enjoy the game you are not helping to improve, i will simply go back to my BDO character who already finished  processing what i needed and forget about this lost cause.

  5. On 7/4/2019 at 1:21 PM, boomervoncannon said:

    1. It’s not my responsibility to be familiar with your entire posting history to know whether you’ve ever given feedback beyond what you put here. The discussion at present was in this thread. I based my comments on what you said here. That’s not a lack of counter arguments, that’s relevant frame of reference. Your response attempts to make me responsible for being familiar with anything you might ever have posted and takes me to task for apparently not doing so. Yeah, that’s a reasonable position...

    2. You are attempting to oversimplify what is actually proving a thorny problem with no obvious solution. You don’t like the decay system and wish it gone, yet have no suggestion as to what might prove a workable alternative. Saying “it ain’t rocket science” implies that there is a simple alternative they could use, but if there was, you would have mentioned it. 

    3. Your statement about chefs and restaurants is a flawed analogy because the restaurant does not have a sign on the door saying “Menu still under development. Customers welcome at discount prices but advised recipes not perfected. Detailed feedback about your experience requested.” Such a thing exists, it is commonly referred to as mock trials, only your participation amounts to saying upon being asked for feedback “Get rid of entrees, I hate them.” and then leaving. Not “Get rid of these entrees, they lack flavor etc.” Just “Get rid of all entrees. I don’t have any suggestion for what to replace them with, so my suggestion isn’t remotely practical, but that’s what I’m telling you. By the way, prepare for foul language and invective if you ask for elaboration, and don’t expect me to repeat myself, ever. But if you want me back, get rid of entrees.”

    4. I agree Atlas is struggling, but no 2 people seem to agree completely on what changes have the best chance to attract people back. Your suggestion, remove an entire system that is one of the design underpinnings of the game, while offering no alternative but getting surly and defensive when this is pointed out to you, comes across far less as genuinely offering your feedback and far more like just grinding an axe.

    1.- It is your responsibility to behave in a civilized manner (if you are an educated person that is) wich means ASKING before attacking under false premises and prejudice only because it is convenient enough

    2.-your arrogance proves to have no limits with every word you speak, a game when designed is based on the "developers vision" and every element of the game is designed and implemented in a way that fits that vision, believing my proposal can be a better solution (even while having no idea what their vision is) that a developers solution no only would be arrogant but insulting to the developers efforts (and the rocket science is about understanding the general idea of my feedback ....do you even pay attention when you read??)

    3.-it is fits perfectly the situation since a restauran just as any other game uses clients feedback to improve upon it, that fact that the game is early acces only implies that the ammount of elements that need improving is greatly higher in comparison with the official release version, yet look at your own example, in any of those mock trials a customer with no culinary knowledge tells the chef HOW to cook, rather the general idea of what they didnt like.

    4.- you simply cant stop repeating the same argument, do you?, is that the only on you got?? do you know what rly helps killing a game, people like you, haters that make people think twice before posting feedback simply to not have to deal with their hate and stupid intolerance (i dont give a fuck since i am the rebel type)  but if you think you are acting as some sort of white knight or hero i have bad news for you, you are only contributing to make the recovery of what could have been a very fun game even harder than it already is.


  6. On 7/1/2019 at 1:10 PM, boomervoncannon said:

    You don’t like the current system but don’t have any suggestion for how to improve it. Saying “it’s not my place.” is a cop out. This is the part of game design that doesn’t require coding ability, just conceptual thinking. It’s easy to sit back and say “lol ur system sux, fixit, I’m out deuces.” But until you have a better idea, you’ve contributed nothing but bile. If that’s all you have to offer, few will mourn your absence.

    You are conflating different things when you talk about losing progress. Just like any other MMORPG, you don’t lose character levels or experience if you stop playing, but expecting your ships and structures to stick around infinitely in a finite game world that others must inhabit while you are gone is just not a reasonable expectation.

    -the fact that you are assuming that i havent given any feedback about this already and attacking the fact that i am not willing to spend any more time than i already have giving the same feedback again only shows your lack of counter arguments, also do you get asked to go to suggest the chef how to cook the food when you go to a restaurant??

    -i already said what i would like to see (the removal of the decay sytem) what else do you need? a map?? this aint fuking rocket science for god sake.

    -why would i give 2 fucks about who would miss me?? are you a social dependent person?

    on your second comment:

    if they wanted to get rid of decay they would have already done it (i rly dont understand why you think they are as stupid as to need me (or you) to tell them the details on how to carry on a specific task) so since its a matter of willingness it would be wise for you stop deciding on your own what is reasonable and what not, no one can tell me how long i can take a break from the game, the only thing i am doing is telling them is: "you want me back? this is how you can acomplish it" if they think their vision of the game is in the right path with decay, no problem, i respect their decision, but with an average of 3.5k players right now if i was them i would be willing to implement as many "appealing changes" to bring back as much people as possible, and dont get me wrong i know they are doing their best, the problem is that they are failing to identifying the core problems that caused 57k/60k people who bought the game to leave.

  7. On 6/15/2019 at 10:01 AM, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    You want decay/demolish timers to be removed? How would you see the removal of abandoned structures in that case? I'm not saying the 10 day structure timer is fine currently, i'd prefer it to be 2 weeks minimum, but we still need to be able to remove abandoned stuff.

    i am pretty sure developers could come with several solutions for that, its not my place to suggest how it should be done. In any case anyone with a little experience in the MMORPG genre knows that the fact that you dont lose your progress even if you stop playing the game is a key feature in any game that wants a big player base, what we have here right now feels more like a long lasting guild battle royal rather than a MMORPG

  8. 17 hours ago, Realist said:


    Now of course you do. Do you have the fortitude to do it? Who knows.

    i have still never to this day strayed that it doesn’t matter what the 4K people think.

    what you need to do is very simple. It is really very simple.

     Structures are invulnerable. Meaning you can not attack or wipe a base. If you do that then you will succeed.

    all you promised in the main description was sea battles. I never saw “land battles” in the description.

    pretty simple really. All tames and ships are vulnerable and bases are invulnerable.

    sure the Megas might be bummed but that really doesn’t matter in the first place lol because they are the real problem to begin with.

    with only 1k players even on peak there isn’t going to be any kind of economy any time soon, even if they completely got rid of the shop cost and even gave incentives. 

    i am just really hoping there is a playerbase left by the time that console releases because I do want to play the game. I really don’t care how crappy it is( I will come here and give feedback).

    the worst thing is that we are very closely approaching pre wipe numbers. Some might not realize what that means. The reason I say this is because everyone thought that once we hit 3k it was only because the wipe was coming and that everyone would come back.

    well with the wipe also came the mega update. We only saw a 2700 increase from the 3000 that were remaining. From that time till now not only has there been another mega update but also there was no wipe needed. Unfortunately out of the 2700 that returned we have now lost another 1300 since then.

    i am sure that nobody checks the steam charts as much as I do but over the last week there has been 50 plus people leaving each day(not including weekends, only about 5 each day for weekends). Even weekends have seen a slight decrease though.

    i am sure the next mega update will bring the 54k back though 

    it is very simple guys. Get rid of wiping. That is all you need to do. That simple. 

    i have said it several times, regarding PvE people want STABILITY and PROGRESSION, people dont want to lose their hard earned ships or buildings just for taking a break from the game, yet they dont seem to get such a simple concept, this is the type of problem that arises when a group of non gamers develop a game, they are unable to connect with what is important to the players, and therefore are unable to satisfy their needs. this game had a fantastic potential, it could have been so awesome and fun, but devs failed to realise what made this game special, and totally destroyed it. such a pity, i had quit BDO for ATLAS, yet i only wasted my time and money.

    • Like 1

  9. That moment when a action combat MMO totally unrelated to sea content (BDO) decides to take your idea and shows you how to do things right:

    "For this summer's update: Starting off with the addition of tidal currents and wind direction. If you are lucky or studied ahead of time, then you can travel across very quickly. However, if you were not prepared than traveling may become even harder than before.

    Remodeling ships, hiring a crew, and using a variety of devices to sail across the sea and winning over the currents and conquering the ocean will become a new objective.

    New ships are prepared for you to enjoy the new content as well. They will be very familiar to some of our Adventurers, they are carrack, galley, and the like. We paid special attention to how ships are handled and controlled so that it would be more fun."


  10. On 6/6/2019 at 6:55 PM, Coldpaws said:

    why don't you make a game then? and see how easy it is to do.

    do you need to be a chef to taste ome food and realise if its too salty?? please if you are out of arguments just keep it shut

    I bet you never spent a day of your life on the ocean working or sailing.

    wait, you dont mean in real life... do you?

    actually if the game failed at basic core mechanics, then please say why, also the game is easy enough if you understand the building systems and actually how to sail, the game is fun and enjoyable

    several ideas cross my mind but i will just mention the one that i have the most of problems understanding:

    first i will point out that i am a PvE player i have never had any interest in PvP so what i say applies only withing the PvE context, also talking about context i will mention the following key points:

    1) I am a person and as a person i like to work towards a goal, i dont rly care how far away my objective is,  i am willing to invest time and effort into reach that goal

    2) As a person i can get tired of a game (for the sake of this post the reasons doesnt even matter)

    3)As a person i have a life and obligations

    this key points are so obvious that they shouldnt even need to be mentioned, much less presented as a complaint to the developers because of how basic they are, now to the point:

    Decay: after 2 weeks offline your building can be demolished and your ship vanishes

    now read my 3 points again, and ask yourself this:

    why would i want to INVEST time and effort into something only so if i need a BREAK from the game or if i simply have to attend to my rl OBLIGATIONS i end up losing all that time and effort?

    answer: i wouldnt

    the fact that they are unable to see something as simple as this is one of the reasons i say they fail the the most simple and basic core mechanics


    On 6/6/2019 at 6:55 PM, Coldpaws said:



  11. On 4/23/2019 at 3:57 PM, Luxfere said:

    Why was this removed? Take out the exploration effect and also discoveries its hard to find anything when everything is uncovered it makes no fking sense  

    that change took away big part of the completionist satisfaction

    On 4/23/2019 at 3:58 PM, Bolognapwny said:

    They dont want this game to be a challenge... its already to hard for the PVE'ers they are making it for.... 

    its actually the oposite, this change was due to pvp'ers being lazy faggots and crying to have it full revealed

  12. 9 hours ago, Coldpaws said:

    its called early access for a reason, think of it as a public test game, aka early access, means there will be bugs to be fixed, look at other games that's are still having bugs till this day that been out for 15 years

    Buggs are the last of this game's problems, it fails at the most simple and basic core mechanics.

  13. On 6/1/2019 at 12:40 PM, Jazzo584442 said:

    It's only inaccessible as a solo tribe if you don't try anything is accessible to anybody as an ark player I've learnt that time and time again doing boss fights on my own grinding out all the artifacts materials to do everything on my own it is possible for you to have all that stuff but I mean if you don't want to try I guess you're never going to get it

    yeah?? go solo the kraken version 2.0 you smart ass.

  14. On 6/1/2019 at 11:27 AM, Jazzo584442 said:

    Why complain? You know this game is not complete, and yet you cry like a little girl. this game is still in its creation phase they let us play it while they are creating it as an ark player I understand the frustrations that you know we went through from wild card but they're trying you're complaining over a game that isn't even finished. If the game really is that much of a burden to you stop playing other than that stop crying and evolve like the game is.

    what you call compain is actually feedback, wich is the very reason this forum exist, so if you havent got any feedback stfu.

  15. 3 hours ago, Sydhart said:

    I seriously don't understand why some of you are so focused on owning a damned island when the majority of this game revolves around sailing?

    Can one of you that say this game is bad and not working please explain how I'm not playing the game right by sailing around and doing treasure maps to get gold to pay my crew and salvaging ship wrecks, destroying SoTD, and getting flotsam for blue prints to upgrade things.  I pretty much live on my Brig. I've sailed through every zone (over 1000 discoveries), have created small outposts in different biomes to collect different kinds of resources, and contributed a ton of these to help my company build upgraded ships (mine included). I love to explore and build, find and gather resources, and I'm doing what I like to do within a large company and doing this solo or with a buddy that I've been gaming with for a very long time. We aren't forced to do anything by the Company but we contribute how we like (and even get bounty incentives on certain items that are needed). So please tell me how this system sucks?

    I'm basically a solo player. I'm also part of a large company (75 people). We own a large island in D5. We have outposts in many lawless and settled islands for gathering resources and taming (which helps the island owners btw). We have multiple settlers that are very happy. We have a town where people can come and trade and just hang out. We go out and help kill hydra's and drakes and get the Powerstones. 

    So again, please tell me how bad this game is and how bad it currently sucks. 

    There's a huge network of players who want to work together and explore content and just have fun. Since you don't want to participate in this, I guess I should just say sorry that you haven't found any fun in this MMORGP. 

    You may want to give this a quick look btw. It might help you realize there is a different way to do things that might be better. It worked for my 3 year old so maybe it will work for YOU!



    interesting read, 1 sentence tho: 5k average players

    have fun.

  16. On 5/30/2019 at 11:46 AM, Willard said:

    Claim system is good. Players who refuse to play how the game is designed are the ones who complain and eventually quit the game because they burn out. When people realise they are not supposed to own an island with their 3men company they will enjoy the game much more 🙂

    What exactly is the stuff for megas and large tribes they added? 

    yeah that expains why the current population is 5k ROFL i am dying *facepalm*

  17. 21 hours ago, y0himba said:

    They never replied due to the fact that you are not owed anything by them. When it is ready, they will add it. I prefer them actually working on a feature rather than caving to users who feel they are owed. I am glad they are taking their time and trying to minimize impact.


    Oh, and kudos on the "yet another attitude ridden complaint" post.  You don't like how it is or where it is going?  Leave.  Play something else. That simple. Don't come here trying to look tough and cool by using inflammatory style posting. 


    At the very least be unique, show some intelligence, and be constructive. 


    you dont have any authority here, yet you answer in such intolerant way, totally forgetting the fact that this forum is meant to gather feedback (or what you call complaints) who do you think you are to tell a customer that has paid for a product that they have no right to complain about the product?, do not assume a job no one has given you, if you are hypersensitive and unable to deal with a different opinion go back to your cave, just because some members of this comunity are not able to express themself with proper maners doesnt mean they are not entitled to have (and voice) their opinion.

    "At the very least be unique, show some intelligence, and be constructive. "

    none of this is present in all your post, would be wise you apply your own suggestions to yourself

  18. 18 hours ago, vaylain said:

    It is not surprising in the least why this game is dying and new interest is all but dead. It is an "offline" griefer's wet dream!

    Last night I logged in on my Lawless Island on the NA PVP server, to find that my first schooner, I am a solo player,  had been stolen overnight while I was away sleeping or while I was at work. My schooner was within four solid stone walls so that it could not get out. I promptly tried to contest the ship to get it back but the freaking company continued to log inside of the ship to contest it. I tried to hail that company but they would NOT respond to me. So, confused and royally pissed off from being "offline" griefed, I went to get a cannon to blow the mother up but the cannon I had placed down oddly had a 19-minute cool down, which I had never seen before. Before the 19-minute count down had completed, they had arrived outside my walled shipyard with another ship and promptly blew out my gate and then swiftly sailed away with my stolen schooner!

    How much of a dick move was that? How hard-up do you have to be to take the time and effort to steal another company's boat instead of just making your own? Why in the hell is this game promoting this kind of B.S. "offline" griefing? There was absolutely nothing I could do as a solo company as I only have like 140 gold to my name and given how freaking much the NPC's cost to maintain, I could not afford an NPC puckle gun defense. There was absolutely no benefit of PVP here only an offline griefing.

    I pretty much will be just logging in every night to ensure that my current progress is not lost as I wait to see if the DEVs can revitalize the game but I have pretty much lost any passion for this game anymore. I prefer to play as a solo player since I have very strange working hours and never know when my free-time will be and I have come to distrust other company members as they often time behave erratic or like ignorant children and I dont want to risk losing all of my stuff to a defunct company. I actually enjoy the challenges to go it alone but the only remaining things that seems appealing anymore in this game are very difficult to acquire or maintain as a solo company. So I am in a catch-22.

    There are too many unforgivably broken game mechanics left unresolved. The game in its current state simply favors the "offline" griefers and does not promote actual PVP interactions. All of my current interactions and woes have been because of "offline" raiders. At this point, I am not even sure that the DEVs are competent enough to even begin to address them let alone with a satisfactory resolution.

    If this is the kind of experience that they intend for their customers then so be it, they can take this game and choke on it!

    Pretty fucking stupid and a sad waste of such a potentially monumental game...

    as you stated this game has taken too many wrong decisions, they seem unable to understand that what people looks for is progress and stability, to grow up their account and have fun in the process, yet they introduce stupid features as decay timers for ships and buildings (wich for me is a instantaneous: No Go), a feudal lord system (in a pirate game!!!! ROFL), bows with higher DPS than pistols (because fuck logic) Torpedos that have to be shot from a ship because the submarine cant (hilarious isnt it?) a progression system not based on your character rather on your components(so you can easily lose 4 weeks of hardwork in a single disconnection) etc etc etc.. i have long ago quit this joke, i only come here once in a while for the lols but thats pretty much it. My advice?: Move On to other game. Have a nice day.

  19. 4 hours ago, Martyn said:

    Clearly you're the one with the toxic attitude.

    Another toxic statement.

    You're being sarcastic and obnoxious attacking someone who is a clear fan of the game.  And by your own admittance, you don't even play it.

    so now you go around quoting everything i say just to call it toxic, mmmkkkay? no need to even discuss if you are toxic or not, it is crystal clear, babay

    • Haha 2

  20. On 4/18/2019 at 3:04 PM, zottel said:

    I Dont get why so many People have Problems with landlords. We got Plenty tennants which are happy to live on our island. We keep the areas clear of blocking And Spamming stuff And Allow everyone to have enough Space to Build. They also benefit from our trading Partners,as they can sell And trade stuff too as Most People come to us. Just Need to find good landlords

    games are for some of us a disconnection from real life annoyances, such as bosses, bills, working to make other rich, etc some of wich just want to chill, enjoy and being self sufficients so the fact that the game bitch-slap us with more of the "capitalist" shit in what it was supposed to be a pirate life game (be free, live free, and sail the seas) totally ruins the experience (notice that i am talking only about pve)

  21. On 4/19/2019 at 10:26 AM, Dstrats said:

    Landed on B12-the collapsing holm and after landin, a few mins after a company named Black Flag Crew claimed the island. All good and fine... To make the long story short... they started dismantling my buildings etc with no apparent reason .. first not telling me that they did that and took all my resources.. then doing it  in front of me and telling me to go.. that's the option i have. Unless i am mistaken this is PvE meaning that a player can poke etc another player, but should not be able to do anything against that player and his ing items etc. Now things are simple... and i will lay it out for you.... u either ban that company from PvE servers and other companies that are like that so they can go play in PvP or you wipe the servers as u did before telling us that would be for the better (either way u need to take action as u promised and proclaimed... since ur inactions in the first place lead to the server wipe). All in all i wait an immediate response on ur course of action.. so i can plan accordingly... doing nothing will just force me to stop playing.. but i will urge all other fellas that want to play peacefully in PvE without having much time to spent or without wanting to be competitive to stop playing as you are unable to handle anything and was your fault for this situation.. 6 days PTR on PvP conditions... gj again for the experience you are offering.

    PS. At least if u wipe us now for exploiting etc i will not lose much...

    we have said the same thing SEVERAL times, they just wont listen, so just quit and play something else as we did and let them keep developing a dead game. there is 4 servers with 40k max player capacity per server = 160k total player capacity, yet max online since last mega patch = 13k wich is 8.122%.... GG devs.

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