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Everything posted by SGjunior

  1. bump, they still have'nt respawned and there's nothing within miles
  2. Hi, At the specified coordinates, there were 3 iron nodes and a couple iodine nodes. My company blocked them by inadvertence and we have removed all foundations/buildings we had built since, but they haven't grown back. The vegetation (tree and fiber has tho). It's been 7 days and that's all the metal we have on the island. Also we know for a fact they are not re spawning because there is no iron being collected in our bank meaning it's not someone else harvesting it. We also used third person camera to look under the map and no building pieces there either. Some more information : My Pathfinder First Name: SGJUNIORMy Pathfinder Family Name: FABLE My Company Name: UNITED TRADING COMPANY The date this issue occurred: 02/12/2019 Network: NA PvE The Hydra’s Den ATLAS Coordinates: long: -77.87 / lat: 3.44 Thanks for taking a look and also thanks for the great game so far! Regards, SG IMG of the node locations : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N_tPutnCkykW09h0DIk8zJV5VO4HG7SO
  3. Hey there, Sadly I'm not on EU, but NA. I've been doing a lot of treasures lately, but I haven't found a sail BP. Where are you finding yours? Thanks!
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