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Everything posted by Medicinez

  1. Germania didnt exist when we got our metal claim. Neither did Paragon ^.- Our entire penninsula is trees.
  2. "In game politics" is what you called ship weight sinking. I have discord chat logs to prove it. Thatss now a bannable offense. We don't farm in Paragon territory
  3. They didnt poke the bear. The bear slinks around at 4 am to steal any claims they can from small companies to try and push up the leaderboard on a server where it doesnt mean anything other than youre online alot.
  4. "They were rude to us that's why we are being scummy!" Ignore all the times that you've done the EXACT SAME THING in the past lol. No one who knows you believes a single thing you post on these forums or anywhere else.
  5. Pretending to be the victim, been doing that since day 1.
  6. "Trades" lmfao Only time we have ever interacted with you is to contest our allies claims. Never pushed inland. Never once capped a Nexus / Paragon / Border Patrol claim. Literally told to merge or be wiped. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah You fake as hell.
  7. These are the same guys that logged on in the early days after release at 4 am on New Years day to try and steal land claims and weight sink ships. They used the window glitch to kill bodies and take bases. They led alphas to tames. They have walled off every single company that wont merge and every other non sub company of them in B11 knows how childish and grief based they play. RIGHT NOW they are walling off the remaining 3 tribes on the southside of Dreary Skerry for not allowing them to take claims. I have EXTENSIVE screenshots of their actions in and out of game as I've been on this island since release and in their discord since shortly after. Paragraphs of DC Waters defending wight sinking ships as "part of the game" the same as he does walling companies that wont join in. I fully expect 15 of their "allies" that rent land to come disclaim this statement. The same people hang out in their discord and bottom feed off of them instead of opposing their claims for whatever reason. Ask East India, ask Hydra, ask Banana Republic, ask Absolute Africans, ask TooToo, ask Germania Werft, ask the remains of Barbary Coast Trading. Nexus / Paragon / Border Patrol or whatever you change your name to next are absolutely the most childish group of players you can come into contact with. If this were NA PVP people would have run them off ages ago, but as it stands if you aren't willing to grief inappropriately in NA PVE you just have to body claim babysit all your plots and come up with creative ways to farm. Anyone interested in screenshots PM me. I have plenty.
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