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Everything posted by Ridia

  1. I normally stay far the hell away from forums in general, for what should be obvious reasons, but I felt compelled to make an exception to that policy just this once because of how unfathomably daft this whole debacle is. There is little I could say that has not been made a point of already. I'm going to swallow my frustration and be as nice as possible here; @Jatheish and his colleagues at Grapeshot need to understand that they have failed to grasp why today's patch is not a solution, or a compromise. It is a complete failure to address the actual problem of why metal and paste is required at all. It does not matter if it requires 1 paste/metal, or 1,000 paste/metal. Either way, hundreds of players have to waste precious game time on sailing up to 5-6 grids away just so they can build what is essentially a basic necessity for survival, whether it's pve or pvp. People value their time, and paste/metal requirements on basic, I repeat, basic stone structure pieces is wasting a ton of everyone's time. It is a waste of people's time because forcing them to spend hours dodging dozens of generally overpowered SoDs on a two way trip that carries a substantial risk to their vessels, so they can craft a basic, once again, basic stone piece is not fun, and it is certainly not fulfilling. Swallow your pride, admit you messed up, and reverse this change. We will respect you more for it. And if you absolutely must add an increased cost, increase the amount of stone/wood/thatch it costs. Do NOT add component requirements that a large portion of the player base can not realistically get hold of.
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