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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. If you read the captains log...It says its going on the test server not the official?! so another month before its released then?!?!
  2. we are good at being diplomatic but some people just dont listen i know but trying to find somewhere in the current state is hard as most people are fully set up by now.
  3. trying to find somewhere to live now in the current state is hard. we are like 15 constantly active and total 50 ppl looking for somewhere.
  4. My company is looking for some land, we want to allied with some peeps because so far we have been run off by bigger companies. we arent looking to merge, we dont mind having a couple of flags near some water so we can build some ships and defenses. we are between 30-50 players 10-15 active every single day. we have other companies thinking of merging with us but we have been run out of our grid by offliners and mega companies. hit me up if you have any offers.
  5. ruins the game. we've had to move so many times because of it.
  6. So far we've been wiped like 9 times now by massive companies and their allies. This game needs sorting so smaller companies can actually enjoy the game and not just keep farming and losing it over night. It just doesn't seem fair for companies that 250+ just to roll in with their allies and wipe an entire grid in hours. killing off some of the fan base because of this.
  7. Yesterday we were insided by someone. We have been in discussing in regards to someone being invited and promoted but no one did. We know of a problem where people can force them selves into the company and start demo'ing shit. we have now lost 100's if not 1000's of hours of game time between the entire company. others are having this issue look at this link!! other people are reporting the issue! it needs to be fixed now!!! People have accused BlackButterfly of hacking and you need to address this exploit or you will lose a player base! https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1741106440028582706/
  8. they either need to keep the stone damage buff or keep the stone cost increase. NOT BOTH!
  9. My personal belief is they need to keep one or the other not both. Either keep the cost of stone but make stone stronger again or remove the cost change on stone and make it easier to raid. its crazy to have both and kills off smaller groups or solo players. YOU ARE HURTING THE COMMUNITY
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