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Posts posted by labatts

  1. 2 minutes ago, slightlymad79 said:

    @LABBATS Probably yes  but I joined officials watched as my guild got sucked into one of the megas then the game turned into a boring political grind fest  people telling us when we could sail or when we couldn't that sort of crap.


    Much more fun in smaller groups but the Devs just shafted that side of the game.

    It really is going to be a stalemate of mega tribes bore fest 

    I agree the game from what i've experienced is way more fun in smaller companies than the larger ones. But nothing is going to change unless the Devs make another change to how large a company can get. 150 is still to big. i think 50 would be a great number but then most will complain that is to small. 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, slightlymad79 said:

    I have read the new updates and im concerned to say the least :-

    1- I play with an NA clan on an NA server as a Britt just simply because I have known these guys for a good 6 years or so. These new raid times 9 hours yes I know its a long time but really its not.

    For instance you have Australians , Asians etc all playing without their own server they probably wont get a look in on that 9 hour window in some cases , I myself with a job and family might have an hour maybe two to do something  however if you look at the time it take to gear up and sail to the enemy they just have to resist for 20 or so minutes then its safe time.


    Your rules are pandering to the weak , this is going to force me off that server and on to the EU might not even play the game tbh without my group this brings me to the next subject:-

    2-State of war and war tokens. 

    Currently myself and a a few small guilds got picked on my the largest mega , we were running skirmishes for a few days sneaking about breaking the odd thing now all that is ruined you have signed the death bell for any small groups because of the "war token crap" this now allows the huge megas to get all their alliance members into the attacked server at the right time and max out the population so attackers cant even join guess you didn't think of that did you?

    Please stop pandering to people complaining about PVP lets have a hardcore server for the real pvpers :-


    1- No land claims

    2- no raid windows or token crap

    3- Everything is lawless 


    So we can get back to having fun and PVP ing without PVE rules shoved down our throats.

    I have played many EA titles , many PVP games but this new ruleset nope not going to do it sorry


    I do agree with alot of this but just be prepared you are about to to spammed by your a griefer and you offline raid offline raiding is not pvp. This new system is only going to hurt pvp. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Willard said:

    No, even if it has 24 hours cooldown I can fight back. I know when they come and I can make preparations. U can´t do shit about offline raiding rn. It could be a week just like your 24 hours, you are just guessing 😉 Griefing with war tokens, lol 😄

    I'm gonna drop war tokens on you weekly during the middle of the week just to keep u awake for the 24 hours while I  laugh that u r taking days off work and staying up all night over a video game lol hope u have alot of vacation and sick time ready

  4. Just now, Willard said:

    It won´t because there will be cooldown between wars. 

    Yes ther will be a cooldown but what if its only a 24 hour cooldown. So meaing every 48 hours a company can grief you by war tokens. Doesnt this system seem quite flawed to you now ? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Willard said:

    I will know they are coming before they actually come. So I can make preparations, call alliance, take a day off work etc. Then it will be fair and enjoyable fight because I would be able to fight back.

    So when this happens every other day how will you prepare for that ? 

  6. 1 minute ago, Willard said:

    No, this is "who is online 24/7 wins" game. There is no piracy in offline raiding and offline griefs. Sorry to tell you.

    @Willard What are you going to do when a company doesn't like look of your base and buys a war token and raids your base while you are offline ? 

  7. 7 minutes ago, awakatanka said:

    Your tweak is the war coin. You PvP outside the 9 hour window. Probably you still can attack ships that are not anchord and sail. Maybe the have to be outside home grid.

    More concerned about a landlord that can behave like a ass and wipe at will.

    the war coin is gonna be a over priced method for megas to raid islands non stop. The method i proposed was to be able to raid at any time as long as someone from the company is online. On top of that you would be able to fight people at any time. The raid timers alienate people that do not play NA primetime and also cut down the amount of PVP for no reason. This new system they are about to use also makes it so on a pvp server there will be companies mainly large companies that will have 15 hours a day that is now pve and they get god mode.

    • Like 1

  8. 28 minutes ago, Willard said:

    So u can´t play during NA prime time AND refuse to play on EU. Sorry man, it´s up to you. You are the minority which they won´t balance this game about. 

    Edit: Ye, majority of those 24 hours are PvE because people work / or have school and sleep. Those are majority of players and those are the players they balance this game about. That minority which plays in a different timezone (and refuses to play on second server) or plays 24/7, sorry. U will have to accept those "only 9 hours" of PvP or just grind for war token and do your unlimited pvp wherever you want. 

    Or if enough people steup and are vocal about how this system is beyond flawed maybe they will change it and fix it for the better instead of making it worse like they are currently doing by alienating some of their playerbase. 

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Majority of players was offline raided. They rebuilt 3-4 times and then they gave up because it´s a waste of time. 1 person with a cannon bear can sink your whole fleet throught your 100 puckels/cannons/swivels. That´s current system and without complete change you can´t to anything about it. Majority of players don´t like it and left the game. Only those who have 24/7 covered or those who were extremely lucky not to face dedicated griefer / company who has people online during night time stayed. 

    There is no crying in that, it´s just pointless to play if you can´t defend anything during being offline.

    ORP won´t solve this, people will start to go offline as soon as they figure out someone is rading them. 

    And to stop people from logging they would setup a 1 or 2 hour timer before their stuff goes invulnerable to stop people from raid logging. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Great, timer. Let´s say its 15 minutes. Can you raid someone under 15 minutes? Nope. It would be totally pointless to raid someone because u would have very limited amount of time to do that. And if they find out you are going to raid them they will go offline before you actually arrive to their island.  

    You see every possible flaw in their new system but you don´t see any flaws in a system you proposed. There are many. 

    The timer could be 1 hour idk like i said with some tweaks it would be better than what we are about to get. There are clearly flaws in every setup but the one i suggest allows you to fight people 24/7. their new system limits PVP and turns a PVP server into PVE. 

    • Like 1


    9 minutes ago, Willard said:

    So people will go offline when they see someone raids them. Flawless system.

    Did you even read what i posted? How would they if there is protection while offline. No there would be a timer that goes in affect if they try to log off while being radied. 

  12. Just now, Willard said:

    Some tweaks. It´s great. It´s always "oh some of this, some of that". Tell me your particular ideas to make it work. Not "oh some tweaks". Be specific. 

    leave it so player on player combat or naval combat stays how it is. Make it so that if a company goes offline its impossible to sink / damage their base or near impossible. that is just 2 quick and easy things they could implement instead.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Willard said:

    There is nothing PvP in offline raiding/griefing. Sorry. System needed a change. It´s EA, if this new system won´t work, they will change it. The game needs to be polished. Unlimited PvP which is current system leads only to offline griefs/raids without where attackers have nothing to lose and "defenders" (offline company) can lose everything during night. That leads to massive player drops which is really what matter in MMO. 

    The only players who will suffer from this new system are offline raiders/griefers. Those who say "but i can´t play during prime time because of job, real life duties etc." can play on a different server. There are 2 pvp servers for US timezone and for EU timezone. They both are in Germany which means the same ping. Choose where to play according to your time capabilities and do PvP during prime time / buy war token and do your unlimited pvp for 3 days without any restrictions / do pvp without restrictions on unclaimed islands. 

    How do you know he was even wanting offline raiding in what @partik said. He just wants to PVP whenever where ever like it is now. How come you automatically assume that when someone wants to pvp  it automatically means offline raiding??? some people love the fact you can go around killing people without raiding their base at any time which there is nothing wrong with that. I do agree though when it came to offline raiding it needed a tweak. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Many EU players play on US servers and the other way around. They choose server according to their time capabilities. It´s completely up to you. There are simply 2 servers, 1 for EU timezone, second for US timezone. Players should choose where do they want to play. I can´t see any reason to play on US server when u can´t be online with majority of people. Outside of 1 reason and that´s offline raiding / griefing (like it´s now, many EU players play on US so they can offline raid/grief and the other way around).

    I shouldn't have to be forced to play on the EU server to have PVP when im from NA. All they had to do to fix the offline raiding issue was incorporate what others on the forums and discord asked for. When a company goes offline their stuff becomes invulnerable as much as i do not like it would work better than what they are about to do. And instead they took it to the extreme and now made it so a majority of the time PVP server is now PVE.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Willard said:

    Man don´t tell me you can´t play during EU or US prime time. They are practically the opposite.

    I'm NA but most likely play during EU primetime why would euros play NA when they have a EU server ? Also there is no way I want to play on the EU server. This new system is gonna be bad for anyone that doesn't play NA prinetime

  16. 2 minutes ago, Willard said:

    95% companies will have vulnerability window set like 15:00 - 24:00 which means a lot of pvp in prime time for EU players even outside of war time. 

    But not everyone can play between those times due to work or other real life responsibilities. Instead of giving everyone the orp like what ark used with base / ship immunity from damage while offline a company went offline they took it to a more extreme measure and will ruin PVP in general. As much as i dislike arks ORP that is what i would have preffered over what we are about to get. 

  17. 1 minute ago, hands solo said:

    Agreed atlas not eve thank fook. So you think that war dec should mean that it is immediate ability to attack. The landowner THAT HAS BEEN DECD against, so that A - they can prepare and be online and B - their defensive force is ready, you cant see how this makes perfect sense ? If they are not online for 24 hours and miss the war dec against them, you will still be able to raid their island. However in the case of atlas its the ISLAND that goes into lawless build - if you have a claim on an island even though you are not the owner of the island - you can now build canons etc to protect your claim whether the land owner is there or not. The whole island is decd against INCLUDING all tenants, the tenants can now and during that time of war dec against the island, build defensive positions, including building canons etc. It makes perfect sense.


    I never mentioned war dec at all. I'm talking about the 15 hours of invulnerability the landowners get every day. How does giving a company god mode for any amount of time in a pvp game not broken?  People should be able to kill each other at any point and at almost any place with the exception of freeports. I can understand giving buildings / ships a form of immunity which i disagree with but it is what it is as for players that's foolish. 

  18. 41 minutes ago, hands solo said:

    Prove it fella - give me one pirate handbook or code or historical evidence, that says pirating includes raiding coastal towns and villages. Yes they probably did steal whilst mending their ships and hiding from nation naval fleets. They probably also raped women and stole children from such villages and coastal settlements, however they also lived in and even originated from such settlements and villages. The word pirate itself however was CREATED by the military and merchant traders but it was more readily merchant naval ships that encountered them AT SEA, due to their focus being on naval supply lines. Whole areas OF OCEAN were renowned for being prone to pirate attacks. The pirates again I stress - lived in the very villages and towns and settlements near to the coasts. Pirates rarely targeted pirates. PERIOD.


  19. 11 minutes ago, hands solo said:

    BUT you cant guarantee that that that settlement ahs any players in or on it with a server that has people from all over the world on it. This is why its being addressed because often bases and infrastructure is being attacked when there is no one online to defend it. YOU SEE ? War dec allows an in between from all out pvp which is problematical due to online cohesion and the demand for raiding and pvp. You can still I presume attack other players at sea at ANY TIME (the essential ingredient to determine pirating). The only people that will have a problem with the new system are the people that really just steal from other players not online - period. 


    Ok tell me about pirating in Eve online -- I did it for 10 years. Do you go and attack a fooking star base ? NO - you attack players mining and or hauling gear - yeh ? Space is the ocean in eve online. That is how you do it. CORPS GO TO WAR. 99% of all players in eve aren't pirates -- they are corp members. The pirates so few in number are tiny little corps with maybe three or four players that attack ships and haulers in space whilst flying. THIS is pirating mate. 


    That is why they are coming out with the new PVP ruleset. The problem I have with that is the 15 hours of PVE time where landowners have god mode on where you can not attack them. I dont even care about the raiding at this point. But to have a system put in place where people cant be attacked but can fight you without taking any damage is completely broken IMO. I have never tried EVE. Atlas is not EVE stop comparing just like atlas is not ark. the example you use is 1 form of pirating there are others besides that one. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, hands solo said:

    Prove it fella - give me one pirate handbook or code or historical evidence, that says pirating includes raiding coastal towns and villages. Yes they probably did steal whilst mending their ships and hiding from nation naval fleets. They probably also raped women and stole children from such villages and coastal settlements, however they also lived in and even originated from such settlements and villages. The word pirate itself however was CREATED by the military and merchant naval fleets that encountered them AT SEA, due to their focus being on naval supply lines both military and merchant. Whole areas OF OCEAN were renowned for being prone to pirate attacks. The pirates again I stress - lived in the very villages and towns and settlements near to the coasts. Pirates rarely targeted pirates. PERIOD.

    This is a fantasy game not a game about historical facts. By taking out half of the pvp from the game being land combat and only forcing naval combat would be quite boring. 

  21. 1 minute ago, CazzT said:

    PvS is not a thing.  And the fact that you can't comprehend this simple point just shows the underlying issue of your ability to understand pretty much any of this topic.

    Just like everyone else who has tried to help you understand, I'm done with you.  You refuse to understand, or are incapable of understanding, regardless of how many times and ways it's explained to you.

    So congrats to you, you've "won".  You've achieved making everyone that talks to you walk away while facepalming and not wanting to explain the same thing to you repeatedly.

    LOL how is that not a thing because you say so. Oh I understand I am just disagreeing with you because I can and clearly makes you upset. PVE is player vs enviroment so PVS is player vs structure sounds good to me. 

  22. 2 minutes ago, CazzT said:

    LMAO... this coming from you....

    Then you accept that it's PvE.  There are only two things, a third if you make it a hybrid.  PvP, PvE, PvPvE.  That's it.  What you're laughably calling "PvS" is PvE.

     At no point have I said or implied this.  Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it true.

    I play on both.  Nice try, though.

    You have been one of the most vocal people against ORP.  And your reasons for being against it haven't change since the stream on Thursday.  You're still saying the same things now that you said before, like a broken record.

    What was that you said in your opening sentence?  Oh right.... "Do you even read and understand what people write before you reply".  Clearly you don't.

    I accept that offline raiding is PVS not PVE. Yes I have been very vocal about ORP in the form of 100% immunity to structures I believe in a pvp server the way this game built ruins it. I have mentioned other forms of raid protection in the past that i would be ok with and would work. But I do not like how I cannot roll up to someones island and not be able to kill them in a PVP game. I didnt say raid them i said kill them just so we get that clear because i know you have a hard time comprehending what people say. 

  23. 10 minutes ago, CazzT said:

    Because offline raiding is not PvP.  It's PvE.  So that only leaves the options of you being a griefer or scared of PvP.  You've had this explained to you numerous times.  Offline raiding is you fighting NPCs (if they're even working) and hitting inanimate objects in the world.  What part of that is PvP?  None of it is.

    PvP is the reason to raid someone.  If they aren't online, then you're not PvPing.  So what's the reason?  I'm not saying it's always about loot.  But if it's about PvP, as you claim, why aren't raiding them when they're online?  Why aren't raiding people who are online instead?  Unless....

    Offline raiding is PvE.  Full stop.  No matter how you try defend it, it's PvE.  You have had this explained to you ad nauseam.

    Do you even read and understand what people write before you reply. I never said offline raiding is PVP I said it was pvs if they were offline. All you care about is if someone mentions something you dont like they are automatically a griefer lol. I think you need to move over to the PVE server because even with this new system  you will not be able to handle things in the PVP server. What i said was geared towards how they are implementing a 15 hour PVE timer where you cannot even fight a person is what i mean when people do not want restrictions to PVP which is player vs player not raiding. But clearly all you want to do is call people griefers like it means something. Must be everyone you that kills you is a griefer than I guess lol. 

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