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Everything posted by BrokeLee

  1. The Great Wall of Uganda (NA PvP) btw would be nice if i didnt have to edit/ cut to get it to 400KB
  2. So for me it all happened while there was the bug that prevented players from switching grids on the NA PvP server. I was on a Freeport (G7 I think) because that was the place where I logged off the last time. After logging in I wanted to respawn at my base in the O - regions, so I killed myself and realized that It doesnt let me teleport to my bed. After somehow successfully choosing a bed in my base I tried to travel there. It was loading normally like always when this showed up: Nothing happened after that, so I closed the game and tried to join again. I wasn't aware that everyone had problems travelling to other grids. After trying to respawn at my base, the same screen showed up. But this time it disconnected me from the server. I tried again to rejoin the server but all it did was to throw me into the character creation screen no matter what I tried after that. Now when I try to get into the server after the travelling grids bug was fixed, I can choose on which Freeport to spawn, but it shows me the "Lost/ timedout pending connection to host" error in the menu. When closing the error it automatically tries to reconnect me, but this time I get directed to the character creation screen instantly. For whatever reason it also chooses the L5 Freeport as the my new spawn, even if I never chose this location or played on it before the bug. My Company members still see my character in the Company (Baba Yaga, LVL 50, Company: Uganda, max lvl 56 with 3 Powerstones and FoY buff) It has been 3 days now. I hope there will be a fix for this in the near future. It still isn't fixed for me no matter what I do. I tried every possible "solution" that I've read about. I won't start over with a new character after playing for ~250h with this one. EDIT: This is getting Ridiculous. Btw the community would appreciate more updates to some topics...
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