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Captain Coconut

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Everything posted by Captain Coconut

  1. Yeah, I just wanted to craft a Boat, claim some land to build a Fort and Shipyard and explore the massive map as promissed. Instead I got 300 hours of Chinese kids jumping on my couch!
  2. I thought of an interesting analogy that made me laugh. Gaming has become the number one form of entertainment in the world surpassing movies music and television. The Chinese hackers have ruined several games I enjoy making them unplayable. Atlas being the latest. Imagine if this happened before the age of online gaming; "Your sitting in your home putting in the latest DVD from Blockbuster to enjoy a movie. As soon as the previews end a bunch of Chinese kids bust into your house to break your TV, jump on your couch, kick your cat, do flips off your wall, eat your food, insult your family and yell China #1 and you are never able to finish your movie. The only thing is there is nothing you can do about it. That is essentially what is happening here". Something should be done! Time to bust out the Cyber Mossberg! Get out of my House!
  3. The game is fun to a certain extent but once you realize your work is pointless it is time to move on. My only reasonable expectation was what was promissed, to be able to claim land, build ships and explore the high seas. I never played Ark so I did not know what to expect. This is just ridiculous! I uninstalled the large 100GB file to make room for other games on my HD. I'll be checking out Conan Exiles again today where solo playing is possible. Although I have over 2000 hrs on that game and would love a comparable replacement, Atlas is not it!
  4. The support ticket field is greyed out! I did not see an option to start one. I found the site but it does not seem to be functional. Oh well, time to get back to real life for a while! it's been real!
  5. What can an honest Solo player do? It is hilariously ridiculous how much I have been grieved and a victim of cheaters in my 300 plus hours so far. I will be moving on, for now, I might revisit the game in a month or three. I really enjoyed experiencing the game so far and like building ships and exploring the map but cheaters and grievers have ruined it for me. I love survival games like H1Z1 "Just Survive", Conan Exiles and Day Z, they have helped me get through these long winter nights in the Pacific NW. I had high expectations for Atlas. As a Solo Player in Atlas, it is impossible to progress without claiming a piece of land to build on and as a Solo player, it is impossible to claim land. There should really be a limit to flags a person can have. Show some love for the solo player! I only want two or three flags, why do these grievers need thousands? I am not interested in joining a clan to hear dick jokes and yelling REEEEEEEE on discord all day, I just like to build and experience the game. But losing hours and days of progress in an instant just Blows! Cheating has gotten so bad on NA PVP Kraken's Maw that it is virtually unplayable outside of Freeport. I could not see any way to report it as suggested in the last Dev stream???!!! I took a few screenshots of the suspect clan member when he took no damage to melee and caused me to drown above water after flying through the air?! Good Times! For now, I'm looking for a new game to pass the time this winter. Star Dew Valley, I'm comming home! Coconut
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