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Everything posted by BawlzBeeDragon

  1. After sailing for about 4-8 hours trying to find that fountain. I managed to kill a hydra get a unique dance move. Get rewarded with a key then turn that key in to get a powerstone. Get my level cap raised from 53 to 55. Find the FOY not on that island by the way. Then my character gets reset after 13 hours of playing with the buff. No rolls backs were happening, I wasn't crashing in-game. I just simply lost my buff/AGE 99/powerstone/lvl advancements/Dance move/and few discoveries i earned I can play with bugs and performance issues i know this is open beta but when you lose player progression that just sucks. Before this everybody experienced that 3 hour rollback. We just got done hitting our enemies. Sunk a nice amount of their ships just for them to get them all back. Then TRY and come offline us. failed miserably but even before that everybody experienced a 10hour rollback or something. This has been 3 rollbacks for me like can i play the fucking game without losing progress got dam
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