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Everything posted by Nickgb

  1. Actually, that is just for islands that have become settlements. Outside of those settlements i.e. in the open waters, they are fair game.
  2. Ah, haven't had my good morning coffee yet. We'll go with that as an excuse for my ineptitude.
  3. Hello everyone, We are a company of about 20-25 active players (60 or so inactive). We currently own land in the Tundra region but are looking to expand further into a more tropical region. Preferably land that has the basic necessities i.e. metal / fiber / wood etc.. etc.. We are willing to work with the company that currently owns the land i.e. pay taxes / put up defenses on the land and come to their aid when called upon. We are also willing to outright buy land as well. However, we want a sizeable plot as we have some serious defensive strategies we'd like to implement into the process and a single flag claim area wont exactly allow for that. If there are any companies out there looking to sell / rent some plots of land -- please post here and I'll message you when I see it. Thanks, Nick
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