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About Oneill_420

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  1. One of the HUGE appeals to the Fountain of Youth was you had to hunt it down, and it was random and hard to find, so not everyone was going to have an easy time getting the perk. Making it spawn on every mythic island killed that. So, I was talking with a company mate the other day and thought of a fairly "simple fix". You know how you can set a mark on your compass for direction? Make a similar, but distinctive, mark on the compass when the FoY challenge is given. Like a wiggly arrow, water fountain, whatever. Make it change from red to green( or other color change to make it more distinctive), the farther/closer to the island one gets, and point in the direction it has currently spawned. This would still make it difficult to find, but still make it within the realm of possibility for the player that doesn't have 24/7 to go hunting for it. Think Jack Sparrow's compass that points to what he desires most and in this case its the FoY. Again.
  2. Know what sucks? When you try to comma whistle a crewman onto a cannon, *slightly* miss, and all crew and creatures nearby come running to that spot. Yeah, almost sank more than one ship because of that. These two commands need to be separated into different keybinds asap. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one this has happened to.
  3. So, I was looking through the game files and I found this:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Content\steampunk_packIn there were assets for steampunky stuff, which I liked, BUT........Please tell me devs, you're not thinking about putting in airships, are you? That would quite literally destroy the game unless done with the mentality that they couldn't be armed and only used for transports. Even then a heavy crew with oil jars would wreck anything they came across and barely be able to be touched with conventional arms in game atm. As a counter, or just a general suggestion, do steampunk submarines instead and give us underwater stuff to play with. It's a sea based game. Use it to the utmost you can. Let us build underwater bases, fight sea monsters, PvP seek and destroy, etc. Make it so they have to come up for air and refill tanks periodically so they won't be underwater forever. Make primitive torpedos that can be fired in pairs only. Give it a parascope. Give us a steampunk radar to find them and to navigate underwater. This would be far better than airships that PvPers would potentially overarm and rain fire down on anything that moves with little to no real chance to counter attack. Js, my opinion and I'd hope others would feel likewise. Community, comment on what you'd rather have and why. Copy pasted from my topic on steam found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705654492404/
  4. the leveling mechanic is ok, but a cap of 41 just seems arbitrary and absurdly low. Blueprints take care of the "what its built with" thing
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