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George Catcher

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Posts posted by George Catcher

  1. So, where does the gold actually come from? Thats the only bit that is confusing me!

    It's from the fact that you have success trade with someone : )) Like you've got some wood delivered. For that you'll get a gold. Then you have your wood delivered back. You got a gold for that too : ) Sounds pretty weird and wrong but that's how it works right now.

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  2. Previous thread was there.


    01 - Screwed map.

    PVE server. H9 has 2 islands but only 1 discovery. I visited another island and eastern island has NO NAME (usually showed in top right corner).




    02 - Where is Lawless?

    If you log in under admin account and check how things are goin on official PVE, you'll notice, there is NOT A SINGLE CLAIM TOWER placed all over the map.

    You know why?

    Because there is just NO LAWLESS GRID at all.  We have some usual grids with island to claim. And more usual grids with island forbidden to claim. So... you should make some statement about that.

    If you did that to make players level and create towers before allowing everyone to claim spots...

    Or if you mess this one out and gonna fix this, by turning grids to lawless by fixes...

    ...THEN YOU SHOUD ANOUNCE TIME OF TURNING GRIDS TO LAWLESS!!!!!! So every1 who woke up at 5am in Europe today to settle the spot wont lose everything to offline raiding.

    If you planed to get rid of lawless (which now is no difference from past time when those grids were called lawless), you also should make a statement about that!




    03 - Farmhouse doesn't gather ANY RESOURCES anymore.

    I put my farm to lovely spot surrounded by rocks with metal and trees. And all I've got is just FIBER AND BERRIES.

    If you did this on purpose, then you made windmill useless crap in the game. Because it just hell expensive to build and gather only one resource for trading.




    04 - Extended HUD shows wrong for some stones.

    It sows that EVERY stones has Stone, Flint, Metal and Geode. While some brings just Stone and Flint.



  3. Alright one more thing. My windmill gather just berries and fiber. It surrounded by stones and trees and it doesn't gather any wood, stones, flint and metal anymore. If you made it on purpose then windmill goes to useless state in terms of trading (it just gather a single resource for trade).

  4. 6:58pm PT: A-a-a-and it's about sunrise in Moscow again. We ready to rock! : )) For some reason I see PTR server both on normal and test mode.

    7:05pm PT: (are they still down, or I have some game client issues?)

    7:12pm PT: PVP NA is UP! It's all reminds me old times when we all gathered in front of Outlands portal in WoW waiting until it's open.

    7:21pm PT: Still no EU and no PVE.

    7:33pm PT: Only NA PVP available yet. Ppl from Europe are worried (I mean it's late night or early morning now there, alot of players pushing "refresh" button hard instead of sleeping).

    7:34pm PT: EU PVP is UP!!!

    7:42pm PT: PVE is UP! I'm in.

  5. Quote

    Why do we even have the ability to tame anything?

    Especially yeti, dinos, giant crabs... well, as for crocs maybe someone name his pathfinder Jagged Stone and then tame a Croc, I dunno... : )) (It's not about pirate anyway).

    As for me I personally wish to tame a single horse, to carry stuff through islands and do all other activities without tames at all.

  6. I always lived in Lawless Tundra and plan to do so this season. But... well... with new map you gave me just 2 grids for that. With lack of islands I have to seat here and wait for news about wipe and patch release, to be the within the first players who log in. I hope I'll make it in itme (sigh). (the only good thing is - one grid is old fashion western tundra which my heart is belongs to).

  7. Quote

    ...we will be postponing the Trade Winds patch to verify the quality of the update.

    For how long? At least approximately. I mean Europe woke up before sunrise, Russia - at sunrise and we now should sit and wait? Or it's gonna happen like tomorrow and we can go back to bed again?

    I'm testing PTR and new map doesn't make any sense lol : )))

    Alright TWITTER sais it's gonna be tomorrow tonight. What do you mean by that? Will that be at some "AM" Pacific Time April 29??? Or somewhere around 7PM PDT April 29?

    • Thanks 1

  8. I play solo, live in lawless and I'm glad that ships now requires to put some efforts in to it!!! This is no bid deal to earn 5K with no warehouse. Tame any bear. Build mid-speedsail sloop. Go lvl-5 bottles which are usually couple grids away. Check for lvl-10+ sunkens while you at your treasure journeys. And that's it! I mean, you anyway need to do treasures to lvl up, so... 

    And if you'll be able to set your trading chain, then... well. With 2 farms, one warehouse and one market - you can get 4-12k gold every day. Check how we did that:

    Oh an... yeah, one issue we have in lawless. If things are going to be the same as they are right now, then... well... all land will be claimed and there is no DECAY!!! Meaning if player will drop the game, all his stuff will stays there like for ever! So no chance to wait until someones warehouse will decay, and set your trading chain.

    But anyway... let's see what new patch will brings. Maybe DEVs will come up with something.

  9. Few thoughts of this video:

    - I've been asking of alternatives to tames to deal with damned armies. Now we have... MORE TAMES STYLES to deal with it.

    I've got it. You like all this ARK stuff, but... well you really should decide what are you doing and make a clear statement of it. Because right now if we scroll up, we'll see cap of the site with some sails ships and pirate/corsair style man and woman with pistol and knife. And yet you offer us to tame a dinosaur, put platform on it, put some cannons there, ride and shoot... (I mean we already have ARK you know?)

    - Oh... and imagine, this elephant with platform on sloop, lol? 2 platform elephats battle sloop! How is that?

    - New map... Ok, can we at least see a picture, before all begins? Because I SOOOOOOOO MUCH happy of my current spot, so I would love to settle there again. At least I hope some Western Tundra islands will be closer to central parts of map. I like renewed Eastern Tundra but my heart belonds to Western one witch right now is in the farthest and dusty corner of the map.

    - Tradewinds are COOL! Finally! And hey... what the hell speed is there? Around 40??? : ))) I mean I really glad to see this one comming. 

    - Some weapon attachments to new ships are cool, but... toons of questions here. Will they be as BPS with improvable damage and HP stats? Will we be able to lose them in battle? Did you make some new ships improvement related to maintenance em in battle, so we actually would buy new ship not just to test in once but to actually use it???

    - A-a-a-a-and 7pm PT : )) It's gonna be April 29 5am in Moscow Russia : )) Jeez, we have "this rest only in our dreams" proverb in Russia. And we HAVE to log in there because of claiming issues.

  10. I personally think that next patch will show the current state of affairs.

    They released lawless claims at March 12, it's been more than a month since, and they working hard on something. So hard so they didn't do any updates, fixes, forum messages etc. So we'll just need see what next patch brings. If within couple of months they come up with just some numbers changes and croc-tames - then this game will be in EA state like for ever.

    I personally would welcome to see - how big their team is, and what are they doing. Because sometimes it looks like there is just 1-2 ppl are actually working the game on leftover basis, and they don't play what they made. But worst - they don't love what they doing. I'll be glad to mistake this one.

    Alright. Maybe not next patch. They promised BIG SUMMER UPDATE. Let's see what this one brings, then all will be clear.

  11. You know, there were a lot of gr8 sailing games. For example in Russia long ago we had this cool single player Corsairs game, and I remember all good from this one. Fractions was one of this good thing (there were Britain, France, Holland, Spain and of course PIRATES!!!) So good Sailing MMO could use that. I remember what you said about goldens with pirates, and local quests. 

    To be honest if I would do the game, I would make a single freeport island each grid, where a lot of NPCs, quest givers, banks, etc, and within all other island I would allow players to capture just a shoreline. And all middle depths parts of each island would make dangerous place! With aggressive wild animals and ancient forces guarding some ruins etc. And made all quests leads there.

    Unfortunately we WONT get THE GAME. I dream about sailing age romance, adventures, Pirates of Caribbean, sailing fleets facing eachother, etc. I dream about sailing age MMO. But... well. As devs said - Atlas is NOT MMORPG. It's Sandbox game : (

    Will there be factions or AI? It would make PVE more interesting. What do you think of having PVP only at sea while land is PVE?
    Our direction for Atlas is to make rich player interactions, whether that is through conflict or cooperation, and that is where we will spend most of our development effort. We have talked about factions and think those fit better with an MMORPG style game rather than a massively multiplayer sandbox game focused on PVP.

  12. Sigh. They did exactly what they did with Ramming Galley. Unrepairable during the battle. No wallhooks and ladders. Consist of parts that you don't know how many you've got and how many damage you took. If this one is also not maneuverable - then... I totally don't understand it's purpose.

    I did last ship survey and wrote down a lot of all issues (especially repairs related), so I hope they'll figure something out.

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