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Everything posted by FrostyMug

  1. I have been playing since release and have noticed in some instances the game will spawn two trees in the exact same place. I know this was a thing in early iterations of ARK as well and when corrected assisted in making great improvements in performance. Please let me know if you guys are seeing the double tree spawns as I am.
  2. The problem is how they are looking at it. They are looking at is as a Mechanic not an exploit. However the Carrying weight is a Mechanic and the unlimited weight corpse carrying is an Exploit. You fix that then there will not be a problem with the sinking of ships using an exploit. You should not be able to move at all if you exceed your carry weight.
  3. That will never happen since that would constitute PVP so fixing the over weight carrying ability would be more acceptable, You should not be able to carry 21000 lbs on your character that can carry 500 max. This need to be fixed.
  4. They just need to remove the ability to move when you are carrying a corpse weighting more then you can carry. That would fix the problem.
  5. Well if you watch the above clip you are able to simply move a enormous amount of materials by simply loading up one guy and killing them and then pickking up the corpse then move it anywhere you like at normal speed of walking. To me that is exploit all over it.
  6. Yup pretty sure the abuility to carry the 21000 pound corpse onto a ship and sink it is not a Mechanic of the game it is an Exploit that should be fixed. No player should be able to move if they are carrying that much weight even in corpse form.
  7. There is no way that we drink 200 lbs of water per drink. Either make the water last longer if it weights that much or we need to lower the weight extremely in order to make the storage of water on the ship more viable.
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