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Daemon Cross

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Everything posted by Daemon Cross

  1. Isn’t the pages you find the magic, I wasn’t sure but don’t they give buffs and such if you hit the notes right ?
  2. Sorry I didn't realize they added a new patch before posting my last message.. I like the new patch as well.
  3. Your right and there in lies the problem that we had, your suggestion came across to me as though you were saying that I was wasn’t smart enough to figure out a work around for being a solo player. So all these back and forth messages was us doing the “ math” and from what I’ve seen thus far is that my reasoning for not joining a company out weighs your reasoning for joining one. I was simply “add-ing” the reasoning I had to the equation. Makes sense to me
  4. My response was to your response in which you basically told me to accept what was and just join a company. You keep saying in your post that this game was designed for group play, you must have a different idea of what the NPC Crew for hire is than I do, I thought they were implemented into the game for the solo and small companies to use as their benefit, if they didn’t want solo players in the game why add npc’s you can hire. I’m not being childish nor am I a pushover, you didn’t consider what other people may be dealing with or you didn’t care how the 2 day claim may affect them or how it may impact the game. I can see you prefer to be in groups, your not the lone wolf and I respect that. I’m not you and I also have the right to my opinion, I am willing to fight for or voice what my thoughts on the matter are. Win or lose at least I said my piece and what comes will come but in no way will I let someone else voice theirs if I disagree with it and I’ll back my argument the best that I can putting as many ideas for one to consider as I can. I can’t stand loop holes, so I try to point out each scenario that I can to hopefully open some eyes that may have been closed or blind sided by their own thoughts. I have no ill regard against you or anything for you because I don’t know you and I was only voicing my opinion as you were
  5. If they got rid of PvE servers. They would reduce player complaints by 80%. Yeah they would reduce player complaints by about 80% because they would lose about that many players. This game shouldn’t even have a pvp mode, with as much as it takes to build and survive the game itself, who needs another player causing problems as well. All your big MMO’s have pvp and pve and some players enjoy both but some do not, there has been a few games that tried pvp only and didn’t make it 2 years until it’s player base dwindled to the point of having no one playing it, there seems to be a big market for both the hardcore and casual players but the casual player can’t afford to have to build a new ship each day, I myself play almost every day but I’m still not considered a hardcore gamer because I work and have a family so my attention is divided between all of it. I will not put a game, guild, squad or clan before my family or my job. Perhaps other players can, perhaps other players are having relationship issues due to the simple fact they don’t put the relationship 1st, I have no idea but I’ve learned along the way of over 20 years in gaming that a lot of your hardcore gamers are either in a relationship that both people game, they are single, they are in school but even during finals their playtime is limited or they are in a relationship that is struggling and gaming is the way they forget about the problems irl. I’m not sure what the real plan is for atlas, there has been a lot of talk, visions and hopes that it can go far catering to all sorts of people and gaming styles, when they have to start offering perks in a attempt to draw in new players or keep the existing ones, then it’s pretty much over. I played ESO for almost 4 years but called it quits when they finally started offering log in rewards, I was a loyal subscriber and didn’t mind paying the monthly rate for the content that was offered but when the player base began to decline due to lack of content and monotonous pvp, it was time to go.
  6. I am seriously thinking along the same lines as others in searching for more claims to take but honestly I’m content with what I have my base on but if I’d lose that because the internet goes out or someone dies in the family and I have to be away for a week due to traveling and such, the last thing I would want to come back to is a game that has broken mechanics that caused me to lose everything.
  7. I’m not sure what is going to take place with land, I’ve read 3 days then it changed to 14 days, I know that I’m reading in other threads people are leaving are quitting the game because it seems that people are losing their bases after 2 days of not being online, other people in larger companies are ok with saying that solo players or husband and wife teams need to join a larger group so people can always be online, that doesn’t mean that another company member would go defend a land claim if it wasn’t their own land. I’m not joining someone else’s company. If the developers don’t want solo players to be part of the community then so be it. I have no issues with finding another game and I’m sure from what others are saying don’t either. Most of us come to this game from ark or another MMO hoping to grow with the game as it developed. If the plan is to force people into joining or creating large companies by forcing them to sign on every day or two to defend what they have spent weeks to months to build then I wish the game the best of luck. I’m for subscription based in order to keep your claims, I’m for a 8 day grace period before someone’s land becomes claimable because even god rested on the 7th day
  8. It’s not math, it’s choice, why should I have to join a company who I know no one, I am forced to carry the company name and abide by the company rules. I work for a company I am not my own boss, I abide by their rules not my own and I represent the company name which I’m proud to do. In this world Atlas I get to do what I want and when I want and I carry a company name that means something personal to me. Here it is my legacy and my reputation that I am responsible for, no other member in this game can represent my company and give it a bad reputation. I’m sure you have read by now that such and such company is responsible for sinking our ships, luring SOTD into the doc areas, it’s not the player who is called out, it’s the company. Further more I am a very old MMO player, I had played WOW for years being part of 10 and 25 man raiding guilds, I had to base my whole life around those guilds schedules in order to be part of the raiding teams. Never again will I have have to answer to someone else in a game. Never again will I be burdened with if you want to participate then you’ll need to meet these requirements in order to join but you’ll have to wait for an opening. You don’t mind losing everything you’ve worked for then try pvp, I’m trying to build and create something here in PVE and I’m kinda attached to everything I put time and effort into.
  9. I play by myself and have no one in my company and I do plan to take a family vacation as to where I may not be able to log in for over a week, so you think 2 days is fair ? People like you only think about themselves and disgust me. Do you think school kids and desk jockeys are the only type of people who play this game ? Grow up and be welcomed to the real world.
  10. The only way a solo player could exist in a pvevp server is if we never left base and built humongous walls around our base, that or join a company so we could compete, I myself and I’d say a few others have no desire to have any part of pvp, we have no desire to be “bullied” in a game we come to relax in. Yeah I said bullied, no matter how you look at it, pvp is for bullying other players, who ever came mass the most members and work the best tactics will dominate everyone else, it has very little to do with skill vs your ping to the server and your computer you play on. Whom ever has the better gear and internet will almost always be the better player because they can react faster then the other person. I myself play the game on a laptop, little lag and smooth graphics but I could not compete against someone on a desktop with the same specs. If you enjoy pvp, then you should play pvp, the only way I would remain a loyal player to the game if it went strictly pvp is if it was set up that you had to flag for pvp and structures or ships could not take damage unless that company had flagged for pvp.
  11. I’d say land claims has something to do with rankings, that and it could be a spawn point they use for quick access to different regionsI honestly don’t know what the thinking is with large companies in PVE, I see no benefits to it and no gain, if one company owned everything then I guess everyone who was a member could build wherever they wanted and whatever they wanted. I mean after all who would be there to contest anything in the game. What rules could you apply because taxing your own land that only your own members are going to harvest from kinda defeats the purpose of taxes, you couldn’t rent to your own members, you couldn’t take anything from them so the empire that was built would serve no purpose other than to say look at me, I’ve claimed all the land and recruited all the players, we are now as one and I am your ruler. I enjoy my solo game play, I don’t have to deal with someone trying to tell me what to do and when to do it, I don’t need endless amounts of claims to make me feel special or a fleet of battleships at my disposal to enjoy the game for everything it has to offer, I’ll suffer and struggle because it will take a solo player longer to accomplish stuff, longer to build things, longer to do anything except die because that seems to happen really fast and quite often. At the same time it will take me much longer to say that I’ve done everything there is to do, I’m bored what else is there to play, what new games are coming out and what is everyone else interested in.
  12. I believe the 3 day rule was changed to 14 days but they are going a step further in upcoming patches by basing it on how many claims you have and the size of your company. They are really trying to make it better for solo and small companies who don’t always have someone online to defend a claim. Now I’m not sure how lawless works now, it used to be you couldn’t make claims and had to deal with people building on top of you and before it was so overcrowded that it was a fight for resources, I guess it is all really just preference to each of us. I’ve read that some people have abandoned the idea of having a claim and live off their boats using it like a caravan making friends and trade routes along the way. The game is constantly changing and my understanding of lawless regions were that things decomposed faster but that could have changed as well. If your happy being there then by all means please remain but there are places to settle if you’d like and I’m not opposed to giving a plot of land away to someone who has none. I have no desire to help those who have more than they need or just want something because it’s in a different grid
  13. There is land to claim, it may appear that everything has been claimed but I proved otherwise is another post “ it may be wrong but we are pirates”. I found a nice piece of land with a base and stuff on it that seems to have been abandoned, I have since modified it to make it my own and I am loving it. As of last night I was able to take another claim from someone else who is no longer active and had just logged off in their base. Last night it took hours to obtain but I managed to aquire it as well, I now have 6 claims to my company, 2 of which holds my base, 2 of the others are in the sea to allow building of a shipyard, one is beside my neighbors for taming spawns that don’t happen on my land and the last I acquired last night. I may or may not relinquish one or two of my areas based on the upcoming fixed and changes to land claims, I’m not a greedy person but I have no use for griefers or someone to make my life more complicated than it is. I believe there is plenty of land to be claimed if a person is willing to search for it, I would suggest taking a sloop to search and not risk the bigger ships to do your searches. Land is out there I promise you.
  14. It’s easy for one to oppose another and it could be for no more reason than they are different, screenshots are normally one sided, no one really know but the party involved as to who started what and who is trying to set who up, as a moderator or developer trying to decide as who is to blame is very hard to do, especially if only one person has screenshots and no actual videos of it happening, again it’s a he said she said scenarios as to who provoked who 1st. I’m not saying that you are not being honest nor am I saying that you are, I am saying that you admitted to retaliation against people who wronged you, which you could have took the loss and made a help ticket of those people using a exploit and had them banned, instead you chose to figure out a way to use the exploit yourself and you ended up being the one who was banned. If you and your friends are able to play again there is islands in F3 that has both English and Chinese living on them and get along fine but this is in a pve server I am talking about. Best of luck to you and hopefully you’ve learned that just because someone else is doing it doesn’t make it ok
  15. I thought they made a correction about claim saying it would take two weeks before any would lose their claims from the last time they logged in, I’ve see places that I could have taken from my neighbor who was online 2 days ago, I am not that type of person and am hopeful that they will sign back in before someone else grabs it. I did however take a claim tonight from someone who I have never spoke to and am guessing they quit the game. John and Nina however did not mention anything about quitting and had just built a taming pen. So this radical change that came about today is probably going to piss a lot of people off. I know I would be if I signed in tomorrow after work and had lost everything
  16. Yeah I have that issue, I claimed a partially built schooner and didn’t have access to the docs, I wasn’t going to finish the Schooner without being able to release it, I can’t scuttle it or scuttle the dock so it’s bee stuck that way for a month
  17. I submitted a idea for a fix to the sinking ships because someone is putting to much weight on them, all that needs to be done is make the ships encumbered so they can’t move with to much weight instead of allowing them to be sunk. That fixes everything for that, it allows people to be ferried again, it keeps griefers from sinking our ships and if they want to drop off 5k lbs worth of mats in that scenario to slow our ships down, I’m all for it, I could use 5k lbs of materials donated as long as it’s not going to sink my ship, I won’t mind a bit moving the mats to a storage box in my base.
  18. Catering to as many demographic areas as they can may still be one of the best business plans because it pulls in more players but catering to large companies will ultimately lead to the downfall of the game, even if your company has 500 members in it, that doesn’t add up to the amount of small companies and solo players. What hinders the small groups is large groups claiming land that will never be used, it’s just bragging rights” I have more then you do” once a company has completely taken all they can take what is left for them in PVE, they’ve not only pushed solo players out of the game but now there is nothing left for them to take so they will stop playing as well, moving on to the next big conquering game they can find to boost their ego and feel like someone special, while they’ve managed to just push dedicated players away. Just some food for thought but look at all your top mmos out there and look at the top guilds that used to hold ranks, their members have left and moved on to the next challenge but the “ solo small group of friends “ still keep it going
  19. Captain 420, you are also saying that because a company has enough player base that someone can always be active in game they should be allowed to place as many land claims as they can so they can say they control so much of atlas, whether they ever do anything with the land or not it belongs to them and they can decide whether or not to allow someone to build on it. Well again your wrong, small companies or solo players make up the majority of the Atlas world, if you look at the top companies in Atlas and see the land they are controlling you will also notice it’s very small compared to the rest of what’s out there. For so many people to complain about not being able to find land, it’s not due to large companies controlling it, it’s due to small companies or solo players. I’d like to see the statistics of solo vs small 3 person or less , 20 or less or 50 or less. If having bragging rights or being part of a large company means something to you then you should be in a PVP server which you may very well be, I myself however am not, nor will I ever be but I would like to enjoy the game and build my legacy in it without the fear of losing everything because I take a family vacation with my wife and kids, who could very well be playing the game as they grow older. I understand the need to address the issue of inactive players but 3 days is not a solution it’s going to be a problem that causes a lot of pve players to move away from the game. You could always have a timer of inactivity of said property owner stating that the land will become claimable in so many hours and days, 14 days of someone not playing is fair, give them 14 days of not logging in and running across their land to keep the flags active or it becomes available to other players, or better yet, start a subscription service, as long as your a paying subscriber on a monthly basis then your lands are yours for however long you decide to keep your subscription active. ESO had a similar setup, the game was BTP but with a subscription you got tokens each cycle of the billing period which allowed you to buy eye candy from the crown store, it was in no way shape or form a PTW game. There are better solutions then causing people to lose everything if they decide to take a family vacation for a couple weeks
  20. Yeah that’s not going to work, seriously 3 days of not being active on a claim it will be able to be stolen from you. No, if that’s going to be the case I’ll uninstall now and save myself the aggravation of losing everything I have because I went on vacation. You are catering to companies who have multiple players, so there is always going to be someone online to defend claims. If this is truly how you plan to treat solo players or husband and wife companies then your going to lose so many people. No one will begin to build or strive to have anything because they can’t take a vacation for a couple weeks. I’m calling bull.
  21. Get some sea claims in the beach area if you can, that way you will be able to build ship yards
  22. I’ve complained and gave a negative review (kinda) but I am a firm believer in giving credit when it’s due, the support on the forums needs a lot of work in my opinion but that’s personal just like this post here, it’s one person who is taking the time to point out some positive that the developers of this game rarely get credit for. This game is awesome 1st and foremost, yes it has code that needs tweaking but it is early access still and they said it would be a work in progress for the next two years when it would be officially released at full cost. Now we all say they don’t listen to us but I’d like to point out a few things I’ve noticed along the way, when we cried about the crocs wrecking havoc and making the game unbearable, the developers created a patch to help, when we cried about the wolves are over powered, the developers again created a patch to help, when we cried the buthole sank my battleship by putting to much weight on it, again they offered a patch (buthole found a work a round though), when we cried how in the world can 6 ghost ships spawn at once and all attack me , they again listened ( not sure what was done though), when we cried the raft sucks, give us another option from the beginning, they listened and again we’ve cried - old age, more content, better performance, less lag, fix the tames, fix the drakes, fix this and fix that. Do everything we ask for - well they are working on it. I want to say that the work the developers are doing doesn’t go unnoticed, we players of your game appreciate all you do and I for one would like to say Thank You ! Keep listening and always remember that you can’t make everyone happy but you do make a good effort from what I can tell so far. Remember all you haters, this is my personal thoughts and I know not everyone will see things the same way I do and to be honest that’s ok. Thanks again for your hard work and “Oh yeah could you please fix the issue with BUTHoLe kiting ghost ships in to sink offline anchored ships, fix the issue where buthole gets encumbered and climbs our ships ladders to sink them ( you could just give the ships the same code we have , if they get to much weight they just can’t move or be sailed - they don’t have to be sunk - works for pve and pvp) that would allow us to haul passengers that weren’t in our company or alliance again and can you please fix the overwhelming amount of left behind claims, ships and rafts ? Thanks again, your doing a great job
  23. I’m glad you were able to find a area, I unclaimed my last piece of property I had on H5 tonight bidding a bad time goodbye, I hope others take the chance as we have and try to find their own land.
  24. I'm all for fixing the mass amount of land and ships that's been left by people who have quit the game, I'm not certain as to how to fix it.. I mean I don't want to lose my stuff that I have because I take a family vacation for two weeks into the mountains where there is no internet, I'm a solo player so it's not like another company member can keep up on maintenance and I can't afford the NPC"s to maintain my ships either. 5 gold to hire them but then you have to have enough to cover the cost by the hour as well. Yeah I know your going to suggest doing more treasure maps cause gold is easy to get.. I haven't been able to solo a treasure map yet. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but dying over and over and trying to run back to get my gear and weapons while the undead just spawn on top of me again isn't something I enjoy doing nor do I have the time to waste doing it. I actually have a job and a family and can't spend hours upon hours doing repeated failures at a attempt to obtain gold to pay for NPC's that I don't actually benefit from. I agree the issues needs addressed but the question is how to address them, how to make it fair for people who can play as much as they want and for those who can't play as much as they want, truck drivers, salesman or anyone who may have to be gone for a week at a time for business purposes, vs the high school kid or stay at home parent or work from home type of people that all enjoy sailing the high seas. I mean no one wants to lose everything they've built and spent hours upon hours building, would you like to lose the things you have ? There needs to be a system setup that does clear up the clutter, the land that was claimed but is no longer in use, the people who started big but decided it wasn't for them and have left the game, the ships that were built in free port that were used to get to land and left behind all need to be addressed. The issue is how do you take into consideration of people who can't log in every day or once a week.. 2 week grace period then rapid decay starts if you haven't been back to the ship or land you own. With so many people who play the game and have quit at different times would that really solve anything, we have more people starting and quitting then we do staying. I make it a point to travel to all my lands and ships each day when I sign on or before I sign off to ensure that I'm able to keep them. I however worry about it when I'm not able to sign on to make sure I keep my claims and ships..
  25. If your interested in taming a wolf or a lion, I have a decent pen set up in F3 with loads of them around it. I believe I left the pin set to unlocked and your more then welcome to use it.. The pen is not at my home base, it's next to my neighbors to the west.. we are located on the center Island at the south end to the west.. Cursed Exiles and Grim something or something Grim.. can't remember but I have a single plot of land on the other side of Grim that has a pen setup for taming.. it's a relative safe to use pen with little worry about being killed or your tame being killed by other animals in the area. If your interested and have issues finding it try to hit me up in the afternoons around 18:00 to 22:00 EST. Same pathfinder name in game as I use on the forums
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