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Posts posted by TacticalNatty

  1. 35 minutes ago, Gortok said:

     The areas in the middle of the map are densely populated with islands and are closest to the most diverse selections of plants and minerals. The outer areas of the map have less access to rich diversity of resources, and they also use the claim system. This is intentional. The outskirts are safer and less rewarding.

    Ah, there is the reason for eliminating PVE.

    Could just scramble the islands for PVE map. You could even make it procedurally generated randomly, so every PVE server has a different make up. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, xwildslicerx said:

    Did we really go from 25x25 down to 11x11 AND mix up West/East all confusing like?

    I can't believe this.... do you guys have more to share? Like... pronto style...?

    I'm hoping the reason for this is to have more offical servers. 

    Smaller sailing zone, and spread the users over 2 officials, would help overall gameplay 

  3. Is it a laptop or desktop? If laptop make sure its plugged in to power while playing and battery saver is disabled. If desktop, make sure your monitor is plugged in to the graphics card and not the on board graphics. 

  4. Do you remember what island? My theory is was map quality is based in relation to distance. The further the map, the higher the quality. But since every grid sector has the same max possible distance, online the grids that are the max distance away from a powerstone island can get the boosted MW maps.  

    Just a thought 

  5. On 2/19/2019 at 2:28 AM, TheDarkside6610 said:

    Can someone please explain how to craft grog...i've added the ingredients to the water barrel but nothings popping up...no craft icon...i have the stout liver


    The waterskin fills up automatically when in the barrel, so you have to click e on it to fill the barrel and empty the waterskin. Then you can craft

  6. 23 minutes ago, MeatSammich said:

    If the historically and factually accurate ballads of Alestorm have taught us anything, gold ISN'T the meaning of a pirate's existance.

    Rum, beer, quests and mead
    These are the things that a pirate needs
    Raise the flag and let's set sail
    Under the sign of the Storm of Ale

    Rum, the finest potion
    It gives me quite the notion
    To vomit over your face
    Beer, so cold as ice
    Its taste it will suffice
    Drinking through night and through day

    Quest! This is the meaning of life
    A voyage into the unknown
    A tankard of mead, is all that I need
    To enter the partying zone


    SOO what you're saying is leaderboards should be dependent on who has the most Rum? I can get down with that.

  7. 8 hours ago, Crete21 said:

    The best metric to measure "Top Companies" should be total Discovery Points. This goes with PvE (Powerstones, Whales, exploration) much better anyways.. and its already a measurable in-game number, easy to figure out who is on top. 


    This might help free up land, cause as of now, no one will give up ANY land for new/lawless players because they want that leaderboard spot

    IMO the best way would be how much hold you have in your banks. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Smash said:

    It's not a bad idea. However I can envisage people just hoarding gold in storage boxes to avoid having it register (in pvp at least). 

    It would need done bonus to go with it

    That would be a company play style mechanic and style.


    While all the points made are valid, consider how land and gold are currently used (abused) and how dramatic this would change it for the better.

    Imagine the market for goods. Gold cost priced competitively for mats to ensure sale, because at some point mega tribes will just have too much.

    Level 20 player does a few maps with a bow, can now afford to buy a bear. Does a few more, buys enough mats for a brig. Few more and can potentially buy (due to increased gold valuation) a spot of land with little to no resources, but its something. 


    Or maybe this just stems from how useless gold feels in the game atm..

  9. First off, I love the vision of Atlas. In 2-6 months, the churn of players will make this a completely different style game.


    With that said, the only changes needed are to make the Leaders the Top 10 Richest (Pirates do love their gold after all) and a small gold tax per land claim (similar to NPC).


    That will encourage land sales, commodity trades, and even a solo player can be top 10 without ruining the gameplay.



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