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Everything posted by hermyt

  1. Yea it does have the players server grid location, and it has the x/y locations for entities (boats) but not the actual players that I can see. @survivalI used redis desktop manager https://redisdesktop.com You just use the port and ip address you setup and if you changed the password for the redis database you'll need that too. More or less a standard visual database access tool.
  2. That might be an issue, however chromesdk is a smart dude and there's at least boat x/y and server location info in the redis db, and he did mention being able to figure out player coordinates. Likely he'll adapt the system to identify player locations and be able to spin up servers as players approach borders. This might work out better as its possible that you might be able to set it up to run only server instances that players are currently on and to spin up ones that they're approaching via ship. If that worked you could theoretically have like 5 people playing in completely different zones, and only have their current active instances running or ones that they're approaching.
  3. Greetings, Has anyone done much with this yet? I've pulled open the redis database and I wasn't able to identify specific player location information on there. There's an 'entityinfo' table that contains ships and has their x/y coordinates and which server they're on. This could likely be used to identify when players are close to transition boundaries if you wanted to setup a system to dynamically spin up neighboring servers as players approach transitions. But I didn't notice player specific location information in x/y format. Does anyone know if a player can swim across a transition boundary? I mean we generally assume you're going to be on a boat but what if a player lost his boat in the ocean and attempted to swim across the transition boundary, the actual player x/y location I didn't find in the database so this might be an issue if its in there in a blob or something odd like that. Another question, if you have a player offline, can you edit things like server location records in the redis db and bump the player or his boat to another server?
  4. You would have to yea, but you could use range forwarding rather than doing them 1 by one, I just did a 4x4 grid forwarding setup and it required 4 firewall entries in the router (because the router I used requires seperate entries for tcp vs udp)
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