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Everything posted by Atshuum

  1. Atshuum


    SOTD block on SOTD wreck while kitting them. So if you kite lets say 2, the first one die and the second just get stuck on it and not move anymore.
  2. Hi, It seems that when you craft dyes into a grill, there is 2 parchment coloring and they are the same thing. ty
  3. " Canvases are now free-paintable " What does that mean ? I tought it would mean paint-free but its not that. Im confuse. Ty
  4. So its the first time i have this problem. 1- My cannon are set to "target ship only" 2- My npc are set to "attack your target" 3- The slot of the npc position is disable 4- When im at the wheel, i press "c" And still those $%?&* npc are attacking every seabass they see !! Im loosing my mind !
  5. Unable to query server info for invite. I just entered m7 freeport on my brig, got dc then i cant reconnect.
  6. I was about to go claim this schooner until i realise he was anchor in the middle of the ocean... How is this even possible ?
  7. So i did some testing and since i already play on low setting, i put sky quality from 1/2 to like 1/5 and same goes for mesh level of detail. I also did not have the sexton buff and was able to cross tile. The effect doh is that every 2 seconde, the wave around me take a 1sec break so its quite annoying to look at it. I then try to keep current lvl of details but have the sexton buff on, and i crash again. So i try no sexton buff and i was able to pass. Then i put back lvl of detail and sky quality to 50%(at least wave stop lagging off) still with no sexton buff and i passed. So since i have to travel from 2 to 11 to get home, i will simply put the sexton back in the box until next week ! Ty all P.S. Laggy water are back and idk why. Hope they gone soon.
  8. Aparently i cantmake a bug repport with the same name... So i crash when changing tile. Im going from 4 to eleven currently and its alot of crashing. here is the link of the crash report that i cant copy for some reason... https://i.gyazo.com/3ea681f7b85d7451574e294b2ef31431.png
  9. In my tile we kill them everytime we get a chance so there isnt so many around.
  10. So in order to claim land, nobody must be on it. So the solution is to build a hotbox and have a sleeper on it. If body who havent move over a certain amount of time, should decay overtime. Thats my 2 isk.
  11. So it happen when i leaded up my bear on my brig. It started glitching a bit but i had other bear to load up. When i was done with them, i came back to my first bear and i had to use my spyglass to confirm it was mine. But it never landed. Its on mars now. Rip 160% md bear
  12. Heya, So i was pretty happy when i found a lvl 30 bear in the wild. I tamed him and got a +13 lvl bonus at the end. The problem is that it wont get xp to lvl up. Killing alphas and such, just no exp what so ever. Ty.
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