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Everything posted by Neon25

  1. Some Chinese cheater companies (like the case of TEA in Ark) already invested more than $10k in this game for equipments and hiring people. If you don’t pay those money back they will never stop. The only solution is to give your money to those cheaters if you want to continue playing your game. Trust me they are able to defeat any anti cheating system within days because this is a REAL MONET ISSUE
  2. I’m not blaming the Chinese. I’m just describing what I saw recently. Actually I’m a big fan of a Chinese streamer who already fought against the cheaters for two days and resulted in everything destroyed. The cheaters were almost defeated before they decided to teach everyone what “cheating” really means. But the result may turn out to be not terribly bad. The cheaters already invested $10k or more and have to earn those money back through trading. If everyone in the server agree to pay those cheaters (maybe more than the game itself costs) they should be able to stop affecting everyone and may even act as the God or law maker to make sure everyone payed them can play a “clean” game. For people don’t want to pay (like me), please try private server or PvE. There a lots of fun other than a PvP game
  3. Some major Chinese companies were attacked by Chinese cheaters recently. Fortunately those companies and cheaters have streaming channels on Chinese websites so I got the chance to know the detail. Cheaters will definitely win. One cheater is able to destroy everything on an island within 1 hour and they are able to move across the sea within seconds. Their final goal is to swipe out all Chinese companies (because those companies won’t trade with them) and then play as a “trading company”. They are able to harvest 1000+ materials with one click, so there are great benefits to sell (in real money) resources to other players. Within days we should be able to see a group of 20+ Chinese cheaters replaced most of Chinese players. All other players will be able to buy (in real money) all kinds of resources (and maybe cheating softwares) from them.
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