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Everything posted by Agent53

  1. That's fair to say. However, based on the evidence available to us the majority of people hate the change. There are very few people in the discord who say they like it. The only poll we have is pretty clear. The subreddit isnt full of joy and happiness about the stone change. Across every platform related to this game there is almost nothing but disappointment at this patch. When you look at all of the information available I would say it's a pretty safe bet that most people hate the change. Also. This is what early access is for. Plenty of people want to be like oh its early access suck it up! Isnt it our responsibility to give feedback about the things we do and don't like? I would argue that if the developers and the minority of players who like the stone change can't handle the criticism maybe it shouldn't have been allowed to go into early access in the first place. The community shouldn't be trying to silence feedback from the community. That's counter productive to the entire process of early access.
  2. So I managed to get to the foy fairly easily, the lag and tons of people made it easier in a strange way. I'm in a big alliance that always knows where it is and we usually have beds available. With that being said, I think it's a terrible solution. Or at the very least it shouldn't be the only solution. There could be some craftable elixir that would make cooking a little more useful. You could even make it take some rare ingredients so that groups could sail around selling this elixir. Implementing the whole having a kid thing could be another solution. There is apparently supposed to be magic in the future, make some sort of spell that can be cast to make people young again. Personally, I think there should be various ways to deal with the mechanic that can appeal to small companies, large companies, pve'ers and pvp'ers. Until some changes have been made we should just go back to aging not giving us a debuff. I don't mind going to the foy but I can totally see how other people struggle with it and there should be more thought put into this.
  3. I mean sure, the loudest people are often in the minority. However, the op presented a well thought out argument without leveling insults and typing in all caps about the stone changes. Sure polls aren't perfect, but the poll is literally 90% of people hate the change. The Atlas discord, forums, subreddit, and Twitter are full of people mad about the changes. So you might be right, but every bit of evidence we have points to the conclusion that it is you in the minority, not us. I've also seen that many people don't necessarily mind the cost if the effectiveness of it wasn't nerfed into the ground as well. It is more time/resource efficient for me to make 5 wood walls instead of one stone wall, and protect me better against siege, explosive, and cannon damage. So it's not even that there aren't possible compromises that the community is willing to accept, but as far as anyone can tell the vast majority of people are not happy about the current state of stone structures. So has it crossed your mind that maybe you don't make up the majority?
  4. My company currently lives on a lawless island. We started the game a couple days late and figured it would be easier than fighting whole server alliances just to claim a little piece of land. With the monday patch removing lawless servers as home server locations what will happen to lawless servers? Will we be allowed to claim land? Or is it going to turn into some ridiculous decay rate that discourages living there? We're just trying to figure out what's going to happen with lawless servers so we don't waste all of our time this weekend building somewhere just to have the Monday patch screw us. Any confirmed info would be appreciated, thanks.
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